Chapter 13: Using the Effects
6. Press the [MASTER] key and adjust the Send Master 1 level. Leave the level to 100 (default). Fine-adjust the level later while playing the DPS16.
7. Set the FX1�s Bus parameter to �ON�. Now the signal output from the FX1 (the reverb sound in this example) is sent to the ping-pong bus and mixed with the original dry sound from the TRACK MIX channels.
8. Adjust the Effect Return 1 level in the same screen. The Effect Return 1 parameter determines the return level (the level of signal sent from FX1 to the ping-pong bus). Leave the level to 100 (default). Fine-adjust the level later while playing the DPS16.
ºNOTE : The Bus and Effect Return 1�4 parameters on this screen are the same as the Bus and
fields on the Effect screen.
9. Assign the ping-pong bus L/R signals to tracks 15 and 16 in Quick Patch mode. The original dry sound from TRACK MIX channels 1�8 is mixed with the FX1�s effect sound in the pingpong bus, then sent to tracks 15 and 16.
<ex. Ping-pong bus L/R signals are assigned to tracks 15 and 16.>