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Inicio >> HITACHI >> CPX430WA Manual de Servicio
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Manual de Servicio

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  • Contiene diagramas del circuito
  • Descargable
  • Formato PDF
  • Manual completo
  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del HITACHI CPX430WA Manual de Servicio

Manual de servicio completo en formato digital (archivo PDF). Los manuales de servicio por lo general contienen diagramas de circuitos, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, consejos para reparación, diagramas de cableado, diagramas de bloque y lista de refacciones. El Manual de Servicio (a veces llamado Manual de Reparación) es usado principalmente por los técnicos.

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Adjustment procedure 1 (when a colour differential meter is used) 1. First adjust [MID-L] tone [G:]. 2. Select adjustment point [No.2][G:]. When the background is not [G] monochrome, press the [MENU SELECT] key on the Remote control transmitter to change to solid [G] monochrome. 3. Measure the illumination at adjustment points No. 2, No.3, No.10 and No.11. The values should be: No.2 = Y2 [lx] No.10 = Y10 [lx] No.3 = Y3 [lx] No.11 = Y11 [lx] 4. No.2 and No.3 adjustment point have the average of Y2 and Y3. Y2 = ( Y2 + Y3 ) / 2 ± 2 [%] Y3 = ( Y2 + Y3 ) / 2 ± 2 [%] 5. No.10 and No.11 adjustment point have the average of Y10 and Y11. Y10 = ( Y10 + Y11 ) / 2 ± 2 [%] Y11 = ( Y10 + Y11 ) / 2 ± 2 [%] 6. Then adjust [MID-L] tone [R] and [B]. When the background is [G] monochrome, press the [MENU SELECT] key on the Remote control transmitter to change to solid white. 7. Measure the colour coordinates of adjustment point [No.1] and make a note of them. Assume that they are x = x1, y = y1. Note: W h e n t h e C L - 1 0 0 c o l o u r a n d c o l o u r difference meter is used, the [ ](delta) mode is convenient. When adjustment point [No.1] colour coordinate has been selected, set the slide switch on the side to [ ] (delta) while holding down the [F] button on the front panel. The measurement shown after this displays the deviation from measurement point 1. 8. Measure the colour coordinates of measurement point [No.2] and adjust [No.2][R:] and [B:] so that the coordinates are as follows. x = x1 ± 0.005 , y = y1 ± 0.005 9. Similarly, measure adjustment points [No.3] to [No.17] and adjust their colour coordinates starting in order from the small number points. This completes adjustments required for [MIN]. Note: Since excessive correction may lead to a correction data overview during internal calculations, use the following values for reference. [No.2] to [No.5] ± 40 or less [No.6] to [No.9] ± 50 or less [No.10] to [No.13] ± 70 or less [No.14] to [No.17] ± 120 or less 10.Then adjust [MIN] tone [G] so that the adjustment data set three times as much as [MID-L] tone [G]. This completes [G] colour adjustments. 11. Then adjust [MIN] tone [R] and [B]. Select [No.2] [B:] and press the [MENU SELECT] key on the Remote control transmitter to change to solid white. 12.Measure the colour coordinates of adjustment point [No.1] and make a note of them. Assume that they are x = x1, y = y1. 13.N o w m e a s u r e t h e c o l o u r c o o r d i n a t e s o f measurement point [No.2] and adjust [No.2][R:] and [B:] so that the coordinates are as follows. x = x1 ± 0.005 , y = y1 ± 0.010 (Target) x = x1 ± 0.020 , y = y1 ± 0.040 14.Similarly, measure adjustment points [No.3] to [No.17] and adjust their colour coordinates starting in order from the small number points. This completes [MIN] tone adjustments. 15.Now make similar adjustments for [MID-H] tone. (Adjust [MID-H] tone [G] so that the adjustment data set half as many as [MID-L] tone [G].) 16.Now make similar adjustments for [MAX] tone. (Adjust [MAX] tone [G] so that the adjustment data set half as many as [MID-L] tone [G].)


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