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Audio Settings and Video Adjust menus
Chapter 4
Audio Settings and Video Adjust menus
Audio Settings menu
The Audio Settings menu offers features for adjusting the way discs sound.
1 Press HOME MENU and select �Video Adjust� from the on-screen display.
Video Adjust
1 Press HOME MENU and select �Audio Settings� from the on-screen display.
Audio Settings
Make settings using the / / / (cursor) buttons, and ENTER.
Video Adjust Sharpness Brightness Standard 0 0 Off 0 0
Select and change settings using the / / (cursor) buttons, and ENTER.
Audio Settings Audio DRC High Medium Low Off
Contrast Gamma Hue Chroma Level
You can adjust the following settings: � Sharpness � Adjusts the sharpness of edges in the picture (Fine, Standard, Soft) � Brightness � Adjusts the overall brightness (�20 to +20) � Contrast � Adjusts the contrast between light and dark (�16 to +16) � Gamma � Adjusts the �warmth� of the picture (High, Medium, Low, Off) � Hue � Adjusts the red/green balance (Green 9 to Red 9) � Chroma Level � Adjusts how saturated colors appear (�9 to +9) Adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Hue and Chroma Level settings using the / (cursor left/right) buttons.
Brightness min max
Audio DRC
� Settings: High, Medium, Low, Off (default) When watching Dolby Digital DVDs at low volume, it�s easy to lose the quieter sounds completely�including some of the dialog. Switching Audio DRC (Dynamic Range Control) to on can help by bringing up the quieter sounds, while controlling loud peaks. How much of a difference you hear depends on the material you�re listening to. If the material doesn�t have wide variations in volume, you may not notice much change.1
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Video Adjust menu
From the Video Adjust screen you can adjust settings that affect picture presentation.
1 � Audio DRC is only effective with Dolby Digital audio sources.
3 Press ENTER to return to the Video Adjust screen, or HOME MENU to exit.