2. When the UHF Scanner window appears, as shown in Figure 27, click on the arrow next to the �Select Receiver to Scan� field and scroll to the receiver you wish to test. 3. Click on the �Start� button. The system will automatically begin scanning for rf signals within the receiver�s operating bandwidth. NOTE: To determine the frequency of any point on the graph, simply move the cursor to the point and click on it. The frequency will be displayed in a pop up window.
4. To scan a particular frequency range within the receiver�s operating frequency, click on the arrow next to the �Start Frequency� field and scroll to the desired starting frequency. Then click on the arrow next to the �Stop Frequency� field and scroll to the frequency search limit. NOTE: The default Start and Stop frequencies are set to the lowest and highest frequencies used by the receiver. 5. Click on the �Start� button to begin scanning. Note any potentially interfering signals and their frequencies. If necessary, reprogram the UHF receiver and transmitter for a different frequency. 6. Click on the �Stop� button to stop scanning at any time. Click on the �Start� button to resume scanning. 7. Click on the �Close� button to exit the UHF Scanner function.