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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del GOLDMUND STUDIETTO Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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the power supply one spare spring one pack of screws and tools, - the turntable platter. To unpack the above-mentionned parts, please follow these steps: Unpack first the cover. Take care of avoiding to scratch it by keeping the cover on a soft, non-abrasiv surface. Pull out the foam and cardboard protecting the table and the protection and accessories around it. Take the table out of the box carefully. Take out the platter. Keep the whole packing for future use. WARNING: If you need to return the table to the factory orto your local representative for a warranty repair, please note that it must be repacked in the original packing. Otherwise new packing will be charged as well as the repair of damages occured due to poor packing conditions.

3. POWER SUPPLY Your unit is built to operate with the mains voltage of your area. Check on the power supply unit in any doubt. If you move after purchasing the turntable to an area using different mains voltage, consult your local GOLDMUND dealer to exchange your power supply unit. Every power supply unit can operate indifferently with 50 or 60 Hz mains. To avoid any hum or vibration disturbance, put the power supply in a mains socket as far apart as possible from the turntable itself. Allow some clearance for air circulation around the power supply, as this unit, in normal use, generate some heat.

4. TURNTABLE LOCATION Select a very rigid support for your turntable. Due to the exceptionnal quality of its suspension, the GOLDMUND STUDIETTO turntable is less critical than any other design in placement selection. Feedback is mostly so low that no special precaution is required. Nevertheless, position the table as far as you can of the speakers if you want to totally avoid the air coupling between the speakers and the table. Select a position of the furniture where the table is set to have the most rigid possible position on the floor. Solid coupling is essential, and if your support is standing on a suspended floor, optimal result requires that you arrange the support to have at least one foot over a supporting beam or close enough from a supporting wall.

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