frequency counter VIDEO board CN306 pin 1 or pin 2 + �
Procedure: 1. Short the CN306 pin 4 on the VIDEO board to the GND. 2. Connect a frequency counter to the CN306 pin 2 on the VIDEO board. 3. Press the I/1 button to turn on the main power. 4. Press the [CUSTOMIZE] button. 5. Press the [>] button to display �COLOR SYSTEM�. 6. Turn the JOG DIAL to display �NTSC�. 7. Press the [>] button to display �OSD H.POSITION�. 8. Adjust the CT302 so that the frequency counter reading is 3.57954 MHz. 9. Press the [<] button to display �COLOR SYSTEM�. 10. Turn the JOG DIAL to display �PAL�. 11. Press the [>] button to display �OSD H.POSITION�. 12. Adjust the CT301 so that the frequency counter reading is 4.43361 MHz. 13. Press the I/1 button to turn off the main power. 14. Connect a frequency counter to the CN306 pin 1 on the VIDEO board. 15. Press the I/1 button to turn on the main power. 16. Press the [CUSTOMIZE] button. 17. Press the [>] button to display �OSD V.POSITION�. 18. Adjust the CT303 so that the frequency counter reading is 7.20 MHz.
Note: The steps 5, 6 and 9 to 12 should be performed to the models except for the STR-DA2ES and STR-DB1080: Korean.
Adjustment and Connection Loacation: � VIDEO BOARD (Component Side) �