Main Amplifier Idle Current Adjustment 1. Test Point: Lch: U299 (+), U300 (-) or R737, 0.18 oh ms X2 Rch: U297 (+), U298 (-) or R738, 0.18 ohms X2 2. Adjust Resistor Lch: R719, Rch: R720 3. Procedu res (1) Before switching the power ON, do no t input sign al to inpu t terminal. Then, rotate the above semi-fixed resistors R719 and R720 on the PC bo ard PV04 to center position. For preli minary sett ing, Volume con trol to the minimum position and the Tone control to the center po sition at turned on . (2) Connect a digital voltmeter set for the DC voltage inpu t to the pertinent test point on the PV04. (3) Aft er the component of the above setup. Switch the power ON and adjust the semi-fixed resistor R719 and R720 on the PV04 acc ording to the reading of the digital voltmeter. The setting values are 5mV(14mA) of the bo th channels. Refer to the table below. Time of aft er Power-ON: 30sec 60sec More than 5 minute 3.0mV ( 8.3mA) 4.0mV (11.1mA) 7.0m V (19.4mA)