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Rangetop Trim The fop of the range (the trim around the glass-ceramic cooktop),is made of painted steel. � To clean bightsoil, wipe with a soapy cloth or nonabrasive cleanser, such as Fsntastik or 409. � To clean moderate to heavy soil, spray the area with a household cleaner, such as Fantastikor 409 and allowto soak. Ifnecessary,spray the area withcleanser, cover with plastic wrap and allow to soak for a few hours. Do not use any abrasive cleansers,oven cleaners, or scrub with any abrasive materials, such as S.O.S. oads. Scotch-Briteoads. etc.
To remove, pull forward to the "stop" position;lift up on the front of the rack and pull out.
The oventemperature can be adjusted if all oventemperaturesare too low or too high and the lengthof time to cook ALL foods is too long or too short. Do NOT adjustthe temperatureif onlyone or two items are not baking properly. TO adjust 1. Touch the Bake Pad. 2. Touch and holdthe Up Arrow Pad until500° or higherappearsin the Display. 3. Touch and holdthe Bake Pad for six seconds until"00°" appears in the Display. 4. Touch the Up or Down Arrow Pad(a) to enter the desired offset temperature. (Allowablerange is -35° to +35°.) Four secondslater, the Display will return to currenttime of day. Note: Do not changethe temperaturesettingmorethan 10° beforecheckingthe oven. Important: The oven shouldbe adjustedonly 10°andthe oven shouldbe tested. (We recommendbakingtwo 9" yellowlayer cakes usinga purchasedbox mix.) If the oven temperatureis stilltoo low or too high, repeatthe proceduredescribed above.