Low Gain -12�+12 [17 (40 03 13)] Adjusts the gain of the low frequency range. Hi Gain (High Gain) -12�+12 [18 (40 03 14)] Adjusts the gain of the high frequency range. #Pan (Output Pan) L63�0�R63 [19 (40 03 15)] Adjusts the stereo location of the output sound. L63 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right. Level (Output Level) Adjusts the output level. 0�127 [20 (40 03 16)]
The Auto Wah cyclically controls a filter to create cyclic change in timbre.
L Wah R EQ Pan
Effects that modulate the sound (modulation type)
07: Phaser [01H, 20H]
Fil Type (Filter Type) LPF/BPF [1 (40 03 03)] Selects the type of filter. LPF: The wah effect will be applied over a wide frequency range. BPF: The wah effect will be applied over a narrow frequency range. Sens (Sensitivity) 0�127 [2 (40 03 04)] Adjusts the sensitivity with which the filter is controlled. If this value is increased, the filter frequency will change more readily in response to the input level. +Manual 0�127 [3 (40 03 05)] Adjusts the center frequency from which the effect is applied. Peak 0�127 [4 (40 03 06)] Adjusts the amount of the wah effect that will occur in the area of the center frequency. Lower settings will cause the effect to be applied in a broad area around the center frequency. Higher settings will cause the effect to be applied in a more narrow range. In the case of LPF, decreasing the value will cause the wah effect to change less. #Rate 0.05�10.0 [5 (40 03 07)] Adjusts the speed of the modulation. Depth 0�127 [6 (40 03 08)] Adjusts the depth of the modulation. Polarity Down/Up [7 (40 03 09)] Sets the direction in which the frequency will change when the filter is modulated. With a setting of Up, the filter will change toward a higher frequency. With a setting of Down it will change toward a lower frequency. Low Gain -12�+12 [17 (40 03 13)] Adjusts the gain of the low frequency range for EQ. Hi Gain (High Gain) -12�+12 [18 (40 03 14)] Adjusts the gain of the high frequency range for EQ. Pan (Output Pan) L63�0�R63 [19 (40 03 15)] Adjusts the stereo location of the output sound. L63 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right. Level (Output Level) Adjusts the output level. 0�127 [20 (40 03 16)]
A phaser adds a phase-shifted sound to the original sound, producing a twisting modulation that creates spaciousness and depth.
100�8.0k [1 (40 03 03)]
Adjusts the basic frequency from which the sound will be modulated. #Rate 0.05�10.0 [2 (40 03 04)] Adjusts the frequency (period) of modulation. Depth Adjusts the depth of modulation. 0�127 [3 (40 03 05)]
Reso (Resonance) 0�127 [4 (40 03 06)] Adjusts the amount of emphasis added to the frequency range surrounding the basic frequency determined by the Manual parameter setting. Mix (Mix Level) 0�127 [5 (40 03 07)] Adjusts the proportion by which the phase-shifted sound is combined with the direct sound. Low Gain -12�+12 [17 (40 03 13)] Adjusts the gain of the low frequency range. Hi Gain (High Gain) -12�+12 [18 (40 03 14)] Adjusts the gain of the high frequency range. Level (Output Level) Adjusts the output level. 0�127 [20 (40 03 16)]