Purpose: Simple way (3/23 seconds rule) of identifying whether it�s Magnetron, Inverter, or others. Set-up: The unit under question is connected through the Ammeter as shown below.
Procedure: Follow the matrix table below to identify the problem source. Note: Do not replace both Inverter board and Magnetron simultaneously and automatically without going through this procedure.
Power will: Ammeter reading is: Shut off in 23 seconds 1. Between 0.5A and 1.0A. after �Start�. 2. Between 1.0A and 2.0A. To do: Remedy: Check and repair open magnetron circuit Open magnetron wiring between Inverter and magnetron terminal. Check continuity of D702 in Inverter PCB.
1. D702 shorted
Shut off in 3 seconds 1. Less than 0.5A after �Start�
Replace H.V.Inverter (F606Y6G00AP/F606Y6G00CP) 2. D702 is OK Replace magnetron Check open circuit: Latch Switch, DPC, Replace defective component(s), or Power Relay and CN701 correct switch, cables and connectors.