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Manual de Usuario

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Precio: $4.99

Descripción del PANASONIC NE1064T Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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General Use
'1.Do NOTtamper withor makeanyadjustments or repairs door,control to panelhousing, safety inlerlock switches anyotherpartof the oven. or Do NOTremove outerpanel fromoven.Repairs should onlybe doneby a qualjfied seruice person. 2. Oo NOToperate ovenif empty.The the microwave energy reflect will continuously throughout ovenif no toodor wateris present the to absorb energy. 3. "0" fireoccurs theoven, lf a in turnthetimer the to position pressStop/Reset or Time Padand LEAVE DOOR CLOSED. Disconnect power the cord,or shutotf power at thefuseor circuit breaker oanel. 4. Do NOTdryclolhes, newspapers other or matedals oven. in Theymaycatch fire. paperproducts, 5. Do NOTuse recycled as they maycontain impurities which maycause sparks and/or fireswhenused. lor 6. Do NOTusenewspapers paper or bags heating. panel. 7. Do NOThitor strike control Damage to controls occur. may L POTHOLDERS should always used be when removing itemsfromthe oven.Heatis transferred {romthe hotfoodto the heating container. 9. Do NOTstoreflammable matedals to,on next topof, or in the oven. could a firehazard. lt be

1. HEATING TIMES given thecooking in guide areAPPROXIMATE. Factors mayatlect that heating starting are: temperature, altitude, volume, size,andshape toods of and utensils used. youbecome As familiar the oven, with youwillbe ableto adjust these for factors. 2. II iSbEttEr UNDERHEAT IO RATHER THAN OVERHEAT toods. toodis underheated, lf it canalwaysbe returned the ovenfor further to heating. foodis overheated, lf nothing be can done. Always startwithminimum heating times. 3. SMALL QUANTITIES foodor foods ot with LOWMOISTURE content burn, outor can dry catch fireif heated long. on too 4. Microwave popcorn whichpopsin its own package available. is Eachbrandof microwave popcorn recommends theirpopcorn that be usedin microwave ovens listed a soecific at wattage. example: For "Usein a microwave oven600 wattsor greate/',or'Testedin microwaves 450to 1000 of watts. Follow " ooDcorn manufacturer's directions usea and brandsuitable at leasta 650watts for microwave oven. 5. Do notattempt deepfat{ryin yourmicrowave to oven. 6. Do notboileggsin their shellin a microwave oven. Pressure build andthe eggswill will up exprooe. 7. Potatoes, apples, yolks, egg whole acorn squash sausages examples foods and are of withnonporous skins. These types toods of mustbe pierced before cooking, prevent to bursting. 8. Liquids become can "superheated"a in microwave, whenthecontainer moved and is in anyway,thesuperheated liquidscan "Superheated" "explode" out ot the container. wateris hotter thanboiling water,EVEN THOUGH DOES IT NOTAPPEAB BUBBLE. TO To reduce possibility thisoccurrence: the of Always makesure that liquids are stirred vigorously before heating assure the to that liquid mixed is withair.NEVER HEATLIOUIDS FORAN EXCESSIVE LENGTH TIME. OF 9. Heatonly1 frozen dinner entree theoven or in at a time.lf dinner entree heated a foil or is in tray,leaveat least1 inchof spacebetween foil trayandovenwalls. '10. notuseDaoer Do towels cloths or which contain a synthetic woven them, fiber into suchas nylon. synthetic maycause towel The fiber the or cloth ignite. to 1.1. notusetheovenfor anyreason Do other than the preparation food. of 12.Yourovenis equipped a protective with device designed turnthe unitoff in theevent to of overheating. ovenwillautomatically The reset itself afterit hascooled. (approx. 30-60min.)

Useonlycontainers materials and specified their by manufacturers be for microwave to use. 1. IVETAL CONTAINERS dishes or withmetallic trims should be used. not Arcing mayoccur. 2. METAL TWIST-TIES notbe usedin the may microwave oven. 3. Do NOTuseSEALED JARSor NARROW NECK bottles cooking reheating. for or Theymayshatter. 4. Do NOTuseCONVENTIONAL THERI/OMETERS inthemicrowave oven. Theymaycause arcing. 5. Remove PLASTIC STORE WRAPS. before heating theoven. in 6. Whenusing skewers, foil, warming or rack utensils madeol metal theovenallowat least in oneinchof space between metal material and interior ovenwalls. arcing lt (sparking) occurs remove metal material (skewers, and/or etc.) transfer a nonmetallic to container.


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