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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del WHIRLPOOL MW1200XW0 Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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Using youi microwave oven
Microwave oven controls
There are two parts in the control section: -The Timer -The Variable Cook Power Control These will be covered on the followlng pages. Read them carefully

The Timer

The Variable Cook Power Control
The Cook Power Control allows You to choose the Cook Power seltlng that best meets your cooklng needs. See the Cook Power Chart for the dltterent percentages of cooklng powers.

Cooking in your microwave oven
Be sure to read the MICRO MENUS@ Cooking Gulde packed wlth the mlcrowave lt contains lntormatlon about: l What is mlcrowave energy? l How food Is cooked by mlcrowave energy. l What affects cooklng speed and cooklng evenness. 0 Safety tips. l Utenslls to use when cooklng In a mlcrowave oven. l Cooklng times for different foods. oven.

The MICRO tvlENUS@Coaklng Guide will help you get the BEST COOKING RESULTS. Important things to remember to get the BESTCWKIMG RESULTS. l ALWAYS cook food for the mlnlmum recommended cooklng time. If necessary, add ttme In one or two minute periods. then check for doneness to avold overcooklng the food. l stir, turn or rearrange the food belng cooked about halfway through the cooklng tlme for mast even doneness wlth all recipes. l If a glass cover is not available, use waxpaper, paper towels or microwave approved plastic wmp Turn back a corner to vent steam during cooking. l When uslng mlcrowave recipes tram cookbooks or sources other than the MICRO MENUS@ Cooklng Gulde slightly longer cooklng ttmes will be needed. For example, add 1to 2 minutes to a 5 mlnute cooklng tlme.

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