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Transferring Your First Recording to Your Computer
Now that you�ve got your �rst recording saved on the Compact Flash card, you can copy this �le from the MicroTrack 24/96 to the computer. Once on the computer, your recorded �le will behave like any other audio �le of the same type, allowing you to rename, edit, and store the �le in any location you wish.
< With your computer running, and the MicroTrack 24/96 off, connect the large end of the supplied USB cable to an
available USB jack on your computer. To achieve the highest transfer speeds, use a USB 2.0 connection on your computer. If you only have USB 1.1, you will still be able to transfer �les to and from the computer, but the transfer speed will be slower.
< Connect the small end of the supplied USB cable to the USB connector on the bottom of the MicroTrack 24/96. The
MicroTrack 24/96 will begin charging.
< Press the POWER button, and MicroTrack 24/96 will switch into host mode (you will not be able to record or play �les
in this mode). The display will read �M-Audio� and will show a USB symbol.
< A �virtual� hard drive will now appear on your computer. If you�re using Windows, this new drive will be listed under
My Computer. If you use Mac OS, the virtual drive will appear as a hard disk icon on your desktop.
< To view the contents of the MicroTrack 24/96 Flash card, browse the contents of the new virtual drive on your
computer. For Windows users, simply double-click My Computer, then double-click the drive. For Mac OS users, simply double-click the hard drive icon shown on the desktop.
< A window will open showing all of the �les and folders contained on the MicroTrack 24/96 Flash card. If you�ve only
made one recording so far, you will �nd only one �le here. If you�ve made more than one, all of these �les will be found here.
< To copy the �le from the MicroTrack 24/96 Flash card to the computer, simply drag the �le from the window to the
desktop of your computer or to any other location on your computer you wish. When you drop the �le in the desired location, it will be copied to this new location. The original �le will still remain on the Compact Flash card.
< To disconnect the MicroTrack 24/96 from the computer, you will �rst need to �unmount� the virtual hard drive as
follows: � For PC users, click on the �Safely Remove Hardware� icon located in the System Tray, which is in the the corner of the taskbar where the computer�s clock is displayed. After clicking the icon, click �Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device� from the pop-up menu. In a few moments, a message will pop up stating that you may now safely remove the hardware. You can now disconnect the MicroTrack 24/96. � For Mac users, simply drag the virtual hard disk from the desktop to the trash can. Don�t worry�this does not delete the contents of the MicroTrack 24/96 Flash card. This will simply unmount the drive. When the icon disappears, you can disconnect the MicroTrack 24/96.