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Setting Input Gain The M-Audio Ozone provides up to 60dB of gain on the Channel 1 Mic In and 40dB of gain on the Channel 2 Instrument In. Microphones typically emit a low signal level, requiring a "pre-amp" such as the M-Audio Ozone provides. Other instruments, such as guitar pickups and even some keyboard sound modules, will also benefit from a bit of punch from the M-Audio Ozone preamps. Plug in your mic or instrument with the gain controls turned down, then turn the gain up incrementally while testing the mic or playing the instrument. When the signal LED shows fairly consistent activity, you�ve reached a good signal level for the M-Audio Ozone mic preamp. Some users may wish to experiment a little further to find what audibly might be referred to as a "sweet spot." Note that when the "clip" LED lights, it is indicating that the preamp output signal is clipping, or is too close for comfort. Let your ears be the judge, but when the clip LED lights and stays lit, you are approaching or have reached distortion in your M-Audio Ozone signal.The best method is to turn up the gain, and then turn it down once you�ve started to clip the input signal. You must also consider the level that is being sent from the M-Audio Ozone to your recording software. Check the input meters within your software and make sure that they are neither too low nor clipping (too �hot�). An adjustment in gain on the M-Audio Ozone may be necessary, but your optimal recording level within your software should approach but never reach the maximum level.Additionally, because the M-Audio Ozone�s preamps provide quite a bit of gain, it is recommended to turn the gain all the way down on unused inputs. You will find more information on setting record levels in the manual of your music software. Understand that in digital recording, clipping the meters in your program is never a good thing. If your level goes into the red once, you�ve got distortion! Phantom Power Unlike dynamic microphones, many "condenser microphones" need to receive a DC voltage (generally 48V) from an external source before they can generate an output signal. If the condenser mic doesn�t come with its own power supply, then phantom power must be applied from the preamp. Setting the Phantom Power Switch to send phantom power on the M-Audio Ozone will send the necessary voltage to the XLR Mic Input. Phantom power will not affect a dynamic mic adversely, so it is fine to have a dynamic mic at the XLR input while phantom power is switched on. Just