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Making/Answering Calls
Making calls
Soft keys {OFF} {C} {s} {*} {PAUSE} {REDIAL} Navigator key {MUTE} {CLEAR} {HOLD} Microphone
Note: L Talk alternately with the caller in a quiet room. L If the other party has difficulty hearing you, press {V} to decrease the speaker volume. L While on a call, you can switch from the receiver to the speakerphone by pressing {s}. To switch back to the receiver, press {C}. To adjust the speaker volume 6 levels (high to low) are available. While using the speaker, press {V} or {^} repeatedly. To dial after confirming the entered number
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Lift the handset and press {C}. L �Talk� will be displayed. Dial the phone number. When finished talking, press {OFF} or place the handset on the base unit.
Enter the phone number. Example:
KFlash CallL
Note: L �Line in use� is displayed when someone is talking on another phone. To adjust the receiver volume 3 levels (high/medium/low) are available. While using the receiver, press {V} or {^} repeatedly. To use the speakerphone
L To correct a digit, press {<} or {>} to move the cursor, then press {CLEAR}. Enter the correct number. L If a pause is required when dialing, press {PAUSE} where needed (page 19). L To cancel, press {OFF}.
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Press {C}, {s}, or {Call}. When finished talking, press {OFF} or place the handset on the base unit.
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Lift the handset and press {s}. L �SP-phone� will be displayed. Dial the phone number. When the other party answers, speak into the microphone. When finished talking, press {OFF} or place the handset on the base unit.
To redial the last number dialed
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Press {C} or {s}. Press {REDIAL}.
For assistance, please call 1-800-211-PANA (7262).