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With this feature, you can watch both the man picture slmultaneousfy, by means of a wmdow picture. and a wdeo source. Swapping the mean and window w3ures - SWAP To change the mput made of the wmdow ptcture 1 Press T�NlDE0 to change the ,np�t mode of the ma,� picture. (Selects TV, VIDEO, S VIDEO I� sequence) 2 Press SWAP to swap the Mann picture with the wndow p,ct�re. Ima . You cannot hear the so��d af ,he w,ndow ,xt�re channel. . If the ma,� prcture 1s blocked. the display �BLOCKED� �4, appear on fhe ma,� screen, and Picture-In-Picture will not function. . If the ma,� p,ct�re IS not rece,v,ng an Image. the wmdow p~cfure will disappear. It will reappear when you switch to a recewng channel. . When Lhe ma,� picture IS black and wh,te. depending on the TV slgnal some wandow p,cture Images may also be black and wh,fe. . When you turn PIP on. or when you t�,� the TV on with PIP mode on. the wndow pncture will appear at the bottom right of the SXW�. . Depend,ng on the cond,t,on of the ma,� p,c,ure�s s,gnaf. the wndow picture may be affected For example, use Picture-m-Picture when you want to watch a N program and a wdeo source from connected ewpment(VCR, video disc player, etc.) at the same time. If you connect a VCR, you can watch two different N programs at the same time. Displaying a wndow press PIP input source mode or T V channel for the man� picture (display IS green) I PIP picture - PIP
Press PIP to display a wmdow picture PIP
Input SO��X mode or N ch:nnel for the wandow picture (display IS white)
Press SWAP
SWAP 9 -CH + / -
,4 W,�dOW p,cf�r* wi,, appear ,� me same ,�P�f mode as the ,as, time �0� uSed PIP
Changtng the position of the wtndow pfcture - POSITION Scannina channels tn the wndow picture Press CH +/- or the 0 - 9 buttons and ENTER.
Press PIP to display a wmdow picture.
3 To make the wmdow picture disappear Press PIP agam.