Removing the head relay board (See Fig.4)
1. Unsolder the soldering b on the head relay board. 2. Remove the screw C attaching the head relay board. 3. Remove the head relay board in the direction of the arrow while releasing the two joints c. Fig.4
Head relay board
Joint c
Soldering b
Removing the load arm (See Fig.5)
1. Remove the E washer attaching the load arm using a pincette or something like that and remove the spring d. 2. Move the part of the load arm marked upwards to release it from the axis of rotation. Then rotate the load arm in the direction of the arrow to remove it from the cach.
Load arm E washer Spring d
Removing the sub chassis (See Fig.6)
Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the head relay board. 1. Remove the screw D attaching the sub chassis. 2. Push the tab e in the direction of the arrow to detach the one side of the sub chassis. Then release the sub chassis from the tab f.
Tab f Tab e Head relay board
Reinforce bracket
Removing the cassette holder and the holder arm in the eject mode (See Fig.7 and 8)
Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the head relay board, the load arm and the sub chassis. 1. Remove the screw E attaching the reinforce bracket. 2. Remove the reinforce bracket. 3. Push the tab g fixing the cassette holder in the direction of the arrow and open the cassette holder and the holder arm upward until they stop at an angle of 45 degrees. Move the two joints h to the side and remove the cassette holder and the holder arm from the shaft.
Sub chassis