Extension cord connecting method
Using the extention cords to connect the front panel with the main board
Remove the main board follwing the disassembly methode. Then reattachi the heat sink to main board. 1. Using the 2pin extention cord (EXTLX001-2p), connect the harness of the feed motor (L) assembly with the connector CN503 on the main board. 2. Using the 2pin extention cord (EXTLX001-2p), connect the harness of the feed motor (R) assembly with the connector CN504 on the main board. 3. Using the jig board (EXTLX002-SWPWB), its installing to the chassis, then using 4pin extention cord (EXTLX002-4P) connect the harness of the lifter detecting board with the connector CN704 on the board. 4. Connect the connector (EXTLX001-6PC) and extension wire (EXTLX001-6PF), connect the 6pin connector CN702 on the main board. 5. Connect the connector (EXTLX002-16PC) and extension wire (EXTLX002-16PF), connect the 16pin connector CN701 on the main board.