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INT-W200 / INT-WJ200
3-1. INTRODUCTION: The following procedure is to test the WebTV (INT-W200/WJ200).
3-2. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 1. PC (use Windows '95) 2. Oscilloscope (HP) or equivalent. 3. Digital Meter (FLUKE 87) or equivalent. 4. Donglizer (provided with WebTV) 5. +5Vdc Adapter 6. Two D-Sub 9 pins (female connector)
3-3. COMPUTER SET-UP: 1. Open "Start Windows," go to "Program," click on "Accessories," and select "Hyperterminal." 2. Click the "Hyperterminal" icon, and under "Connection Description", enter name and click "OK." 3. In the "Phone Number" window, connect using: select Direct to COM1. 4. Under "Port Settings," set as follows: Bits per second: Data bits: Parity: Stop bits: Flow Control: 19200 8 None 1 None
3-4. TEST PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the WebTV unit to PC terminal as shown in Figure 1 below. 2. Energize the WebTV unit. 3. The computer monitor will show the list of diagnostics choices. 4. In order to select a test, type the number associated with the test on the keyboard, and press "enter." The output data will appear on the screen. 5. To save the data, go to the "Transfer" menu, select "Capture Text," and click "Start." 6. The data you captured will be in the Hyperterminal folder. 7. In order to read the data, confirm that the "Append line feeds to incoming lines ends" option is selected in the ASCII set-up menu.
Note: Two D-sub 9 pin configuration connections: Pin5 to Pin5, Pin2 to Pin3, Pin3 to Pin2
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