FM THD Adjustment SSG FREQ. Adjustment point (FM DET) Output FM DETECTOR COIL 60 dB 98 MHz
Output GND FM S.S.G
FM Antenna SET Terminal Input Speaker Terminal output
Distortion Meter
Minumum Distortion (0.4% below) (Figure 1-1)
Figure1-1 IF CENTER and THD Adjustment
* Adjustment Location of Tuner PACK
FM Search Level Adjustment SSG FREQ. Adjustment point (SVR1) Output 98 MHz BEACON SENSITIVITY SEMI-VR(20K�) 28 dB(±2dB)
28 dB FM Antenna SET FM S.S.G GND FM IN 10 k�
Adjust SVR1 so that �TUNED� of FLT is lighted (Figure 1-2) *Adjust FM S.S.G level to 28dB Figure1-2 FM Auto Search Level Adjustment