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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
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Descripción del WHIRLPOOL HJ675PRDVT Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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Instructions for Installation
Removing the Old Water Heater
@ Disconnect the vent pipe from the draft hood or blower assembly where they connect to the water heater. In most or other attached devices can be lifted off new water instaUations the vent pipe are removed. The after any screw heater has a blower assembly which must be used for proper operation. a. If you have copper piping to the water heater, the two copper water pipes can four inches away from where they connect to the water heater. This will @ @ @ @ avoid cutting offthe pipes too short. Additional cuts can be made later if necessary. Disconnect the temperaturepressure relief valve drain line. When the water heater is drained, disconnect the hose from the drain valve. Close the drain valve. The water heater is now completely disconnected and @ ready to be removed. Turn "OFF" the gas supply to the water heater.



If the main gas line shutoffservingall gasappliances used, is I also shut "OFF",thegas at eachappliance, eaveall gasappli-| L ances shut"OFF unt_ thewater heaterinstallation iscomplete.I

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Turn "OFF" the water to the water heater. Some installations require that the water be turned offto the entire house.

Check again to make sure the gas supply is "OFF" to the water heater. Then disconnect the gas supply connection from the gas control valve, Attach a hose to the water heater drain valve and put the other end in a floor drain or outdoors. Open the water heater drain valve. Open a nearby hot water faucet which will relieve pressure in the water heater and speed draining,


b. If you have galvanized pipe to the water heater, loosen the two galvanized pipes with a pipe wrench at the union in each line. Also disconnect the piping pieces should be water heater. These remaining to the saved since they may be needed when reconnecting the new water heater. Disconnect the temperature-pressure refiefvalve drain line. When the water heater is drained, disconnect the hose from the drain valve. Close the drain valve. The water heater


readyiS completely disconnected nowandto removed. be

thatthe waterflow isdirectedawayfrom anyperson.

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Mineralbuildupor sedimentmay have accumulated the old in water heater.Thiscauses water heater to be muchheavier the than normalandthis residue, spilledout,couldcause if staining.

Thewater passing of the drainvalvemaybe extremelyhot. out Toavoidbeingscalded, akesureall connectionsre tight and I m a

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