s FL (Flanger)
The flanging effect gives a twisting, jet-airplane-like character to the sound.
Two-voice pitch-shifted sound (HR1, HR2) output through left and right channels.
This sets the rate of the flanging effect. * When set to BPM, the value of each parameter will be set according to the value of the Master BPM (p. 46) specified for each patch. This makes it easier to achieve effect sound settings that match the tempo of the song (synchronizing the cycle to one-half or one-fourth of the BPM when the set cycle rate is increased). When setting to the BPM, pressing PARAMETER [ ] to display the Master BPM settings screen.
This determines the pitch of the sound added to the input sound, when you are making a harmony. It allows you to set it by up to 2 octaves higher or lower than the input sound. When the scale is set to �Scale 1�Scale29,� this parameter sets the user scale number to be used.
PreDly (pre delay)
Adjusts the time from when the direct sound is heard until the harmonist sounds are heard. Normally you can leave this set at �0ms.� * When set to BPM, the value of each parameter will be set according to the value of the Master BPM (p. 46) specified for each patch. This makes it easier to achieve effect sound settings that match the tempo of the song (synchronizing the time to twice or four times the time length of the BPM when the set time is increased). When setting to the BPM, pressing PARAMETER [ display the Master BPM settings screen. ] to
Determines the depth of the flanging effect.
Adjusts the center frequency at which to apply the effect.
Determines the amount of resonance (feedback). Increasing the value will emphasize the effect, creating a more unusual sound.
This adjusts the feedback amount of the harmonist sound.
Adjusts the diffusion. The diffusion increases as the value increases.
This adjusts the volume of the harmonist sound.
Effect Level
This adjusts the volume of the flanger.
Specify the key of the song you are playing. By specifying the key, you can create harmonies that fit the key of the song. The key setting corresponds to the key of the song (#, b) as follows.
Direct Level
This adjusts the volume of the direct sound.
s HR (Harmonist)
�Harmonist� is the amount of shifting is adjusted according to an analysis of the guitar input, allowing you to create harmonics based on diatonic scales. * Because of the need to analyze the pitch, chords (two or more sounds played simultaneously) cannot be played.
This selects the number of voices for the pitch shift sound (harmony).
One-voice pitch-shifted sound output in monaural.
Direct Level
This adjusts the volume of the direct sound.
Two-voice pitch-shifted sound (HR1, HR2) output in monaural.