NOTE: 1) Adjust the position of the stopper [A] so that the jogger fences [B] and side plate [C] are parrallel. 2) When installing the jogger fences, confirm if the two positioning pins [D] are correctly set in the two holes on the side fences after the screw is set. 3) When installing the positioning roller assembly, insert the plate [E] in the hole [F] on the rear frame, then set the plate on the lever [G]. 4) When installing the rear paper press mylar, set the hook [H] to the rear jogger fence [I] as shown so that the mylar moves together with the jogger fence [I]. 5) After installing the jogger fences, manually move the jogger fences [I] to confirm that they move smoothly. 6) After re-assembling the duplex unit, manually pull the plungers of the positioning roller solenoid and the pressure arm solenoid to confirm that the positioning roller assembly and the pressure arm move up and down correctly. 7) After re-assembling the duplex unit, adjust the jogger fence width so that the distance between both side fences become 1 mm wider than the paper size, when paper is set on the duplex tray. ( SP Adjustment - PAGE 10.)