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� A slightodor may be detected,and if an oven is heavilysoiled,somesmoke may be visible. Some smoke and odor during the cleaning process is a normal occurrence. Since the oven vent is at the bottom of the backsplash,vapors, moisture,etc. may be seen comingfrom this area. � Duringthe cleaningprocess,do not be alarmed if an occasionalflame is visible through the oven window. This is caused by excessivefood soil that was not removedbeforethe oven was set to clean. � SINCE THE DOOR AND WINDOW OF THE OVEN WILL GET WARM DURING THE SELF-CLEANING PROCESS, AVOID CONTACT. � Sometypesof soil may disintegrate leave a lightfilm or heavierdepositof ash. but The amountof ash dependson theamountof soilwhichwas in theoven. Afteroven has cooled, this ash may be removed with a damp sponge, if other dark deposits remain after wiping with a sponge, the time set for the length of cleaning was not enough. Increase the cleaning time for future cleanings or clean more frequently. The normal cleaning time is 3 hours. A maximum of 4 hours may be selected if necessary.
� If rackshave been left in oven duringthe cleaningprocess,they should be treated as follows. Afterthe cleaningprocessiscompletedand the ovenhas cooled, buff the underside rackedgeswith Scotch-Brite of scour-pador rublightlythe underside of rack edgeswitha coatingof vegetableoil. Use a lightapplication oilso itdoes of not soilthe oven. This will make the cleaned racksslide more easily. � To removeoccasionalspilfovers betweencfeanings,use a soap-filledscouringpad or mildcleanser;rinsewell � It is betterto cleanthe oven regularlyrather than wait untilthere is a heavy buildup of soil in the oven. � Duringthe cleaningprocess,the kitchenshouldbe well ventilated helpeliminate to normal odors associatedwith cleaning. � DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANERS. � DO NOT USE ALUMINUM FOIL OR OTHER LINERS IN THE OVEN.