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� A slightodor may be detected,and if an oven is heavily soiled,somesmoke may be visible. Some smoke and odor during the cleaning process Lsa normal occurrence. Since the oven vent is at the bottomof the backsplashfor radiant models, or through the dght rear coil element on Model FCEt0610, vapors, moisture,etc. may be seen comingfrom this area. � During the cleaning process, do not be alarmed if an occasional flame is visible through the oven window, This is caused by excessivefood soil that was not removedbefore the oven was set to clean. � SINCE THE DOOR AND WINDOW OF THE OVEN WILL GET WARM DURING THE SELF-CLEANING PROCESS, AVOID CONTACT. � Sometypesof soil may disintegrate leave a lightfilm or heavierdepositof ash. but The amountof ashdependson theamountof soilwhichwas intheoven. After oven hascooled, this ash may be removed with a damp sponge. If other dark deposits remain after wiping with a sponge, the time set for the length of cleaning was not enough. Increase the cleaning time for future cleaningsor clean more frequently. The normal cleaning time is 3 hours. A maximum of 4 hours may be selected if necessary. � If recks have been left in oven during the cleaning process, they should be treated as follows. After the cleaning process is completed and the oven has cooled, buff the underside of rack edges with Scotch-Brite scour-pad or rub lightlythe underside of rack edges with a coating of vegetable oil. Use a light application of oil so it does not soil the oven. This will make the cleaned racks slide more easily.
� To removeoccasionalspilloversbetween e[eanings,use a soap-filledscouring pad or mild cleanser; rinse well. � It is better to clean the oven regularly rather than wait until there is a heavy buildup of soil in the oven. � During the cleaning process,the kitchen should be well ventilated to help eliminate normal odors associated with cleaning. � DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANERS, � DO NOT USE ALUMINUM FOIL OR OTHER LINERS IN THE OVEN.