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Inicio >> SHARP >> DVSV9C Manual de Servicio
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Manual de Servicio

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  • Contiene diagramas del circuito
  • Descargable
  • Formato PDF
  • Manual completo
  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del SHARP DVSV9C Manual de Servicio

Manual de servicio completo en formato digital (archivo PDF). Los manuales de servicio por lo general contienen diagramas de circuitos, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, consejos para reparación, diagramas de cableado, diagramas de bloque y lista de refacciones. El Manual de Servicio (a veces llamado Manual de Reparación) es usado principalmente por los técnicos.

Si tan solo quiere saber cómo utilizar su televisión, reproductor de vídeo, reproductor de mp3, etc. Quizá lo que necesita es el Manual del Propietario. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

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CD Update Procedure of DV-SV90
1. 2. Download the update file from the convenient link according to your default language choice. While there is no CD in the DVD (No Disc Mode) , press �Menu 1 3 5 7� buttons on the remote control in order to reach the Service Menu of DVD Player:


2.1. Note the software version described as �b.xx � to be able to compare the sw. Version after update process. Copy the update file to the desktop and rename it according to the update file name in the hidden menu of the device. For example If C2M1AS__ is written then rename it like C2M1AS__.rom If P6M1AS__ is written then rename it like P6M1AS__.rom (If you receive the update file already renamed (with addition of .rom) from the customer technical support department by giving the SAP code of the product then burn the already renamed file with nero program as it is shown below.)


Burn the renamed files by Nero program with below set up.

5. 6.

After burning process is completed, place the update CD into the DVD tray and press play button. Wait to see the update process steps as shown below. When the sw. Update is completed unit will switch itself to standby mode.

7. 8.

Finally, press the eject button and take out the update CD while DVD Player remains at stand by Mode. Updating process has been completed. To check whether it is updated correctly or not, repeat the first step for comparing software version If the previous and letter names are different, CD is update has completed successfully. If the name remains same than go through the steps from the beginning.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If the AC source breaks down while the updating the unit (main board) will be totally out of order. This kind of units/boards is out of Warranty.


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