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THE SELF-CLEAN CYCLE (Some Models) 1 Remove Ihe broil pan and grid o\en racks all ulens~ls
and arty lo,1 lhal may be I� Ihe oven If oven racks are IefI IV Ihe range during a clean cycle they WIII darken lose IheIr l~~sler and become hard 1� slide SotI on Ihe �ven Iron1 frame under the Iron1 edge 01 the cooklop Ihe door lhner ��lslde Ihe door seal and the lronl edqe 01 Ihe oven cav�l, (aboul 1 !nlo Ihe oven) WII nol be cleaned durnlng a clean cycle (see ~ll~slrdl~on below] Clean lhese areas by hand belore sIan,ng a &al cycle Use delergenl and hol waler wllh a soap-Illled s!eel wool pad then mse well wllh a vinegar and waler mixlure This ~111 help prevent a brown residue from lormlng when the oven IS healed
DO NOT use commercial �ven cleaners �1 oven �r�Lec1ors in or near :hc oven These prod&Is plus Ihe high !remperawe 01 Ihe clean cyc�e rvr damage Ihe porcela�n flnlsh DO NOT clean glass ceramic cookware or any other cooki,are ,r iP,e c,wdwng a sell clean cycle
All controls musl be se! correctly lor the clean cycle 1� v.�rk grope+ T� ?eip you undersland how the clean cycle works Ihe slagcs 01 ihe cycl? are noted below 1 The controls are sel 2 3 4 5 The word CLEAN will be on !n Ihe display and Ihe door locks aulomallcally For your safely Ihe oven Ihe own beglns (Ihe wore lo heal LOCK
Before A Clean Cycle
3 d Wipe up heavy sp~llovers on the oven banom Trx much 1011may cause smoking during \he clean cycle Clean Ihe door seal by using a clean sponge lo soak Ihe solled area wlfh hvdroaen �eroxlde &Dealed soaklna may be needed deDen dfng dn Ih< amounl 01 solI Frequenl cleanng will prevenl excessive so11 butId up Do �a, rub the door seal excessively The llberglass matercl of Ihe seal has m exlremelv low res~slance lo abrason Any conon maleflal especially !Including &SIonballs). can eas11 rub a hole mlo the seal Do nol use any con�� malerlals lo clean t6 e seal An
door can not be opened
WIII be on I� lhe Electronic Range Conlrol display ) When Ihe 3�/2 hour clean cycle is over Ihe word CLEAN w!l be off in Ihe display Ihe oven beglns lo cool When the lemperalure has fallen below locking temperalure the door can be opened (the word LOCK will be off I� lhe display)
After a clealng
Ihe ��en
door cannot
be unlwked
The temperalure has had Me lo drop lo a safe level and lhe word LOCK IS otl I� the Eleclron~c Range Control display
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