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To select vocal type, click on the Vocal Type pop-up and then select the closest stylistic character of the vocal performance from the pop-up list. Source Throat Precision If you�ve already been poking around the THROAT interface, you might be asking yourself, �What the heck is throat precision?� And a good question it is. As it happens, this control works a bit differently than the previous two. Here, you�re not being asked to tell THROAT something about the input, but instead to tell THROAT how precise to be in its attempt to calculate the characteristics of the input based on the type of modeling you intend doing (the choices being subtle, medium, or extreme). So why not always leave it at �subtle�? Another good question. The answer is that THROAT�s most precise analysis results in extremely accurate characterization of the source throat, which works well for models that are within the general range of human anatomy (i.e. subtle modi�cations). However, for more extreme models, the �subtle� setting can in some cases result in artifacts � most often a sort of �whistling.� In those cases, such artifacts can often be reduced or eliminated by choosing a different setting for this control. As a result, the strategy for this control should be to always start with �subtle� (which is the default) and, if a particular model results in artifacts (and you don�t actually like those artifacts), change the precision one step at a time (i.e. to medium and then extreme) until you get the desired effect. To select source throat precision, click on the Precision pop-up and then select the appropriate model type from the pop-up list.
The next two controls allow you to add a variety of breathiness effects to your modeled voice: Breathiness Mix This control lets you select the amount of breathiness component mixed into your modeled voice. With a setting of 0, there will be no breathiness (apart from what might be in the original vocal). At a setting of 100, the model will be all breathiness, with none of the original vocal characteristic present at all. Intermediate settings will produce mixes of the original vocal and the breathiness component. The sonic character of the breathiness will depend both on the articulation of the original vocal and, more dramatically, the setting of the Frequency control described below. Command (Mac)/Control (PC) click the control to reset it to its default value of 0. Breathiness Frequency This control lets you set the high pass frequency of the breathiness component (i.e., the frequency above which the breathiness will be present). This frequency determines the audio range and character of the breathiness effect. At high settings, the effect will be rather whispery and ethereal (depending, of course, on the original vocal and the Mix amount). At lower settings, the effect is more of a raspiness (again, depending on the mix). Experimentation is the best way to become familiar with the possibilities. Command (Mac)/Control (PC) click the control to reset it to its default value of 4000 Hz. The remaining controls are used to de�ne the model vocal tract: