Measuring instrument Signal gener ator Remote control unit
Test point
Ad justment part S04:TINT
Description [ Method of adjustment without measuring instr ument ] 1. Receive the broadcast. 2. Enter the SERVICE MENU. 3. Select S04:TINT of the V/C(S) mode. 4. Set the initial setting value of the S04:TINT with the FUNCTION / key. 5. If the tint is not the bes t with the initial setting value, make fine adjustment of the S04:TINT until you get the optimum tint.
Variable No . S04 Setting item TINT range 0�127
Initial setting value 68
Signal gener ator
TP-B TP-E(# ) #
[ Method of adjustment using measuring instrum ent ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Input the full field c olor bar signal (75% white). Enter to the SERVICE MENU. Enter to the 9.RF AFC mode and set the AFC to OFF. Select S04:TINT of the V/C(S) mode. Set the initial setting value of the S04:TINT with the FUNCTION / key. Connect the osc illosc ope between TP-B and TP-E. Adjust S04:TINT and bring the value of (B) in the illustration to +26V. Reset the RFAFC setting pos ition from OFF to ON.