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Inicio >> JVC >> AV56WP74/HA Manual de Servicio
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Manual de Servicio

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  • Contiene diagramas del circuito
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  • Formato PDF
  • Manual completo
  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del JVC AV56WP74/HA Manual de Servicio

Manual de servicio completo en formato digital (archivo PDF). Los manuales de servicio por lo general contienen diagramas de circuitos, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, consejos para reparación, diagramas de cableado, diagramas de bloque y lista de refacciones. El Manual de Servicio (a veces llamado Manual de Reparación) es usado principalmente por los técnicos.

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AV-48WP74 AV-56WP74 3.8.5 VIDEO ADJUSTMENT Item A-D CONVERTER OFFSET adjustment (1) Measuring instrument Signal generator Remote control unit Test point Adjustment part [1.PICTURE/SOUND] F44 : Image adjustment F45 : Image adjustment of mode change F47 : Minimum value B at the time of detection F48 : Maximum value A at the time of detection [8.PP] ADM012 : R offset AMD013 : G offset AMD014 : B offset
Upper side of screen whole black

Description [WHITE BALANCE LOW LIGHT ADJUSTMENT for SINGLE SCREEN] (1) Input the 480i (DVD) whole black signal from the COMPONENT VIDEO terminal. (2) Select STANDARD mode with [VIDEO STATUS] (3) (4) (5) key. Select FULL mode with [ASPECT] key. Select 1.PICTURE / SOUND from SERVICE MENU. It goes into the zero mode screen of difference adjustment of color, using <F44>(Image adjustment) as 0 to 1, and using <F45>(Image adjustment mode change) as 0 to 3. Set <F47> (minimum value B at the time of detection) to 0 and <F48> (maximum value A at the time of detection) to 0.


Fig. 1 <FULL screen> To be slightly whitish rather than whole black

(7) Press [MUTING] key and memorize the set value. (8) Press [BACK] key and display SERVICE MENU screen again. (9) Select 8. PP from SERVICE MENU. (10) Adjust <ADM012> (R offset setup) and <ADM014> (B offset setup) so that the adjustment result out put screen in the upper half of a screen becomes black color.(Fig.1) (11) If the screen is reddish, adjust <ADM012>(R offset setup) so that the redness is reduced to the minimum. (12) If the screen is bluish, adjust <ADM014>(B offset setup) so that the blue is reduced to the minimum. (13) Press [MUTING] key and memorize the set value. [BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT for SPLIT RIGHT

Fig. 2 <SPLIT screen>

SCREEN] (1) Select STANDARD mode with [VIDEO STATUS] key. (2) Select FULL mode with [ASPECT] key. (3) Press [SPLIT] key to enter the SPLIT screen mode, then input gray scale signal on both left and right channels. (4) Select 1.PICTURE/SOUND from SERVICE MENU. (5) It goes into the Y adjustment MAX mode, using <F45> as 0 and using <F44> as 0 to 1. (6) Set <F47> to 16 and <F48> to 16. (7) Press [MUTING] key and memorize the set value. (8) Press [BACK] key and display the SERVICE MENU. (9) Select 8. PP from SERVICE MENU. (10) Adjust <ADM013> (G offset setup) so that the screen on the right upper side becomes slightly whitish rather (6% black) than whole black.(Fig.2) (11) Press [MUTING] key and memorize the set value.


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