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SW38 No.5, No.6 Inhibited to use SW38 No.7 Transfer function
Used to set Enable/Disable the transfer function. Default: 0 (Inhibit)
SW42 No.1 Direct send recall Allow/Inhibit
Used to set allow/inhibit of wait for recall in direct send. Default: 1 (Allow)
SW42 No.2, No.3 Inhibited to use SW42 No.4 Manual/Auto reception auto swiching
Used to set whether automatic reception is made or not when ringing is made the number of auto switch call times in manual reception. Default: 0 (Inhibit)
SW38 No.8 Inhibited to use SW39 No.1 � No.3 Call time setup in automatic transmission (T0 timer setup)
Used to set the call time when call does not reach the other party in auto send mode. The set range is 30 to 60 sec in the increment of 5 sec by binary input of "(5 sec x N) + 30 sec)". "N" can be set in the range of 0 to 7. When set to 7 (65 sec), it is the same as setup of 45 sec. Default: 45sec (N=3)
SW42 No.5 � No.8 Number of auto switch calls of manual reception � auto reception
When the above setup is allowed, automatic reception is made at the set number of times. The set range is 1 to 9 times. Default: 9 times
SW39 No.4 � No.8 Inhibited to use SW40 No.1 � No.4 Number of times of recall in error
Used to set the number of recall times in case of a communication error. Setup is made in the range of 0 � 1 times by binary input. When set to 0, recall is not made. Default: 1 time of recall
SW43 No.1 � No.5 DTMF signal send time
Used to set the send time when sending DTMF signal. Setup is made in the range of 60 � 310ms by binary input of N in "10(ms) x N" in the increment of 10ms. N is set in the range of 0 � 31. When N is set to 0, it is the same as 110ms (N=11). Default: 110ms
SW40 No.5 � No.8 Number of times of recall in busy
Used to set the number of recall times in case of busy state of the other party or when call does not reach the other party. Setup is made in the range of 0 � 14 times by binary input. When set to 0, recall is not made. Default: 2 times of recall
SW43 No.6 � No.8 Maintenance cycle
Setup for judgment of consumable parts notification when using the F.A.S.T. function. This setup should be the same as SIM21-2 setup. Default: 0 0 1 (50K)
SW44 No.1 � No.4 Scan effective image area (OC) Main scan Left edge image loss
Used to set the left edge image loss of main scan in OC scan of FAX. The set value of SIM 50-8 is reflected.
SW41 No.1, No.2 Tone/Pulse default setup
Employed line setup (Dial setup) Selection of 10PPS, 20PPS, and TONE is allowed. The setup items are as follows: bit 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 : : : : 10PPS 20PPS TONE Similar to TONE.
SW44 No.5 � No.8 Scan effective image area (SPF) Main scan Left edge image loss
Used to set the left edge image loss of main scan in SPF scan of FAX. The set value of SIM 50-8 is reflected.
SW45 No.1 � No.4 Scan effective image area (OC) Main scan Right edge image loss
Used to set the right edge image loss of main scan in OC scan of FAX. The set value of SIM 50-8 is reflected.
Default: 1 0 (TONE)
SW41 No.3 Telephone line menu
Used to set whether Tone/Pulse setup is displayed on the menu or not. Default: 0 (Fixed to �Allow�)
SW45 No.5 � No.8 Scan effective image area (SPF) Main scan Right edge image loss
Used to set the right edge image loss of main scan in SPF scan of FAX. The set value of SIM 50-8 is reflected.
SW41 No.4 Maintenance system
Setup of the model for judgment of consumable parts system when using the F.A.S.T. function.
SW46 No.1, No.2 Inhibited to use SW46 No.3 Priority in the day of week
Used to set the recording sequence of the day of month and the day of week if the date is in the sequence of day, month, and year. Default: 0 (NO)
SW41 No.5 F.A.S.T mode
Used to set Enable/Disable of FAST operation. To enable FAST operation, the serviceman must change this SW setup. Default: 0 (NO)
SW46 No.4 Inhibited to use SW46 No.5 Daylight saving tive
Used to set Enable/Disable of Daylight saving time. Default: 0 (Inhibit)
SW41 No.6, No.7 Sequence of year/month/day in LCD, report, and sender record
Used to set the sequence of year, month, and day in the display, report, and sender record.
SW46 No.6 � No.8 Inhibited to use SW47 No.1 � No.5 Time specification print 1 (O�clock) in the communication report table
Used to set "o�clock" of the time (o�clock, min) when specifying the time in the communication report table. Setup is in the range of 0 � 23 (o�clock) by binary input. When set to 24 � 31, the time is set to 0 o�clock. Default: 0 o�clock
SW41 No.8 Time display format
Used to set the sequence of year, month, and day in the LCD display, report, and sender record. When set to 0, time is indicated in 24H format. When set to 1, time is indicated in AM/PM format. Default: 1 (AM/PM)
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