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if equippedwitha metal support rod, can rest on the rod. Support rod is located across the front of the burner box. To remove ¢ooktop: When cool, first remove grates and drip bowls, if equipped. Grasp two front burner wells and lift up. CAUTION: Do not operate burner withoutapanonthegrate. The porcelain finish of the grate mayheat from the burner absorb the intense chipwithout a pan to flame,
To remove: Remove or support cooktop, When cool, grasp burner head and tilt to rerease tab from slot near ignitor, Lift up and toward back of cooktop until air shutter end of burner releases from valve. To replace: insert air shutter end of burner over valve and lower into place. Replace cooktop. Turn on burner to be sure burner has been correctly replaced,
Burner grates must be properly positioned before cooking. Do not operate burners without a pan on the grate. The porcelain finish may chip without a pan to absorb the intenseheat, When reinstalling square grates, place indented sides together so straight sides are at front and rear,
Surface burners are secured in place during transportation with either a shipping screw or a spring clip. Once the cooktop is installed, these may be removedto allow quick and easy removal of the burner,