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Customer Care Europe & Africa SCCE Training Group
CONFIDENTIAL NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Date 15.08.2002
23 (25) Repairhints Version 1.0 Approved
BB Selftest explanation for NPE-4/NPL-1
3.1. ST_AUX_DA_LOOP_TEST This function tests the connection of AuxDa and UemInt signals between UPP and UEM. UPP loops 70us high pulse via AuxDa line to UEM and back to UPP via UemInt line. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK 3.1.1. ST_EAR_DATA_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of EarData and MicData signals between UPP and UEM. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. If there is short circuit the result is ST_SHORT_CIRCUIT. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. 3.1.2. ST_IR_LOOP_TEST This function tests the connection of IRTx and IRRx signals between UPP and UEM. UPP loops test signal via IRTx line to UEM and back to UPP via IRRx line. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. If there is short circuit between IRTx and IRRx the result is ST_SHORT_CIRCUIT. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. 3.1.3. ST_KEYBOARD_STUCK_TEST: This function tests to see if a key is stuck. If some key is stuck/pressed, it is re-tested ST_KBD_REPEAT times with ST_KBD_DELAY interval. If key is still down result is ST_FAIL. If no key is stuck the result is ST_OK. If some key is stuck the result is ST_FAIL. 3.1.4. ST_MBUS_RX_TX_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of MBusTx and MBusRx signals between UPP and UEM. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. 3.1.5. ST_PPM_VALIDITY_TEST This function checks the validity of PPM on flash. 3.1.6. ST_SIM_CLK_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of SimClk and SimIODa signals between UPP and UEM. This test also requires that SimIOCtrl signal can be set to high state. (See also st_sim_io_ctrl_loop_test.) If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. If there is short circuit the result is ST_SHORT_CIRCUIT. 3.1.7. ST_SIM_IO_CTRL_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of SimIOCtrl and SimIODa signals between UPP and UEM. This test also requires that SimClk signal state can be switched. (See also st_sim_clk_loop_test.) If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. 3.1.8. ST_SLEEP_X_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of SleepX and SleepClk signals between UPP and UEM. UEM_V2 or later required. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. 3.1.9. ST_TX_IDP_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of TxIdp and RxIdp signals between UPP and UEM. UEM_V2 or later required. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. If there is short circuit the result is ST_SHORT_CIRCUIT. 3.1.10. ST_TX_IQ_DP_LOOP_TEST: This function tests the connection of TxQdp and RxQdp signals between UPP and UEM. UEM_V2 or later required. If everything is ok the result is ST_OK. If there is no connection the result is ST_NO_SIGNAL. If there is short circuit the result is ST_SHORT_CIRCUIT. 3.1.11. ST_BACKUP_BATT_TEST: This function tests if the backup battery was ok during power-up. Ok means that there was enough power in the battery. If backup battery is not ok the result is ST_FAIL. If backup battery is ok the result is ST_OK.
© NMP 2002
Checked by: SCCE Training Group
Approved by: SCCE
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