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Model 1200 Powermixer Model 3200 Loudspeaker Model A1 200MX Expansion Module
Outstanding features of AUDIOMASTER: 1200 POWERMIXER
Works equally well for sound reinforcement or recording of speech, vocals, and music Designed for churches, schools, clubs, civic and business organizations, and small performing goups Operates as a mixer-amplifier for a wide variety of input sources Supplied with six input channels (A1200MX Expansion Modules are available for increase to a total of eight or ten inputs)
Model A1 200C Portable Case
CONGRATULATIONS! You have purchased the Shure Model 1200 Powermixer, the finest compact mixer-amplifier available today. The Model 1200 Powermixer includes a flexible microphone mixer with six inputs for high- or lowimpedance sources and a 200-watt power amplifier. The 1200 is human engineered for ease of setup and operation. Connection of microphones and other equipment (tape recorder, equalizer, effects device, remote amp) is fast and convenient.
HI and LO Z inputs may be used simultaneously Switchable input attenuators on channels 1 and 2 accommodate high-input-level sources Phantom power for condenser microphones is available at any low-impedance input Built-in spring-type reverb, with independent level controls for each input Provides external device loop for effects device or equalizer between PROGRAM MIX OUTPUT and POWER AMPLIFIER INPUT Pre-Volume MONITOR mix and pre-Master Volume TAPE Outputs Integral switchable power amplifier Limiter prevents overload distortion High speaker-power output-200 watts into a4-ohm load An accessory speaker cable (A50SC) is available: 15 m (50 ft) with standard phone plugs, for quick speaker hookup Rack mountable or portable with accessoryAl200C Carrying Case
The AUDIOMASTER System, consisting of the Model 1200 Powermixer and Model 3200 Loudspeaker(s), works equally well for sound reinforcement or recording of music, vocals, or speech. The Model 1200 Powermixer is rack-mountable or portable; a high-power, &input mixer-amplifier, expandable to 8 or 10 inputs, with famous Shure versatility and ruggedness. Inputs to the Powermixer accept both high- and low-impedance microphones as well as amplified instruments or other high-level sources. Individual Input Attenuation controls, with overload indicators, are continuously adjustable to prevent input overload. The Powermixer has bui It-in reverberation with individual channel and overall level adjustments. Other effects devices or an equalizer are easily connected via a post-Master control program loop. An integral power amp Limiter prevents overload distortion over a wide input signal range. Pre-Volume Monitor send controls and a pre-Master Volume Tape Output provide maximum usefulness in performance or recording applications. The control panel is human-engineered with color-coded knobs for error-free adjustments while LED readouts give instant visual notice of overload and operating status. The Model 3200 two-way, time-corrected loudspeaker is a high-power unit designed to be compatible with the Model 1200 Powermixer. A wide-range frequency response and excellent sound quality suit it for a great variety of performance and public-address situations. The AUDIOMASTER System gives you outstanding sound capability; it's maximally versatile and portable, and it's backed by Shure's traditional quality and reliability.
Compact and lightweight: only 178 mm (7 in.) high, weighs only 12.3 kg (27 Ib) Listed by Underwriters Laboratories and by Canadian Standards Association as certified
Big-system sound quality in a compact enclosure
12-inch high-temperature woofer critically tuned to a sturdy, vented enclosure Constant-directivity type high-frequency horn with high-frequency compression driver (tweeter) Special TIME SYNCTM time-corrected crossover network with tweeter protection circuit Metal grille and resilient corner protectors for maximum durability 3