Use the 2.5mm A/F Allen Key and looking from the left hand side, adjust the back (3rd) screw to tilt the platter assembly FRONT to BACK as shown above. DO NOT over tighten or slacken the fixing screw too much. Adjustment of this screw will NOT change the LEFT to RIGHT level. Belt riding position
1 mm gap between the Belt and the Pulley flange Ref.: Pulley flange thickness is 1mm
The Belt should ride with at lease 2mm clearance from the bottom of the Inner Platter
With the belt riding higher on the pulley (i.e. more than 1mm gap), the rotational speed would be slightly increased.
Drive Belt Set-up and Maintenance
1 If the levels are adjusted but the drive belt rides a little too high, then remove the belt and gently stretch it. Wait a couple of minutes and refit the drive belt and the outer platter and check the running position again (Repeat this process if necessary)
With the belt riding lower on the pulley (i.e. less than 1mm gap), the rotational speed would be slightly decreased.
Roksan Audio ltd
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE
Xerxes.20 Record Player User Manual
General Use Version 3.0