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Manual de Servicio

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  • Contiene diagramas del circuito
  • Descargable
  • Formato PDF
  • Manual completo
  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del TATUNG VM77S Manual de Servicio

Manual de servicio completo en formato digital (archivo PDF). Los manuales de servicio por lo general contienen diagramas de circuitos, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, consejos para reparación, diagramas de cableado, diagramas de bloque y lista de refacciones. El Manual de Servicio (a veces llamado Manual de Reparación) es usado principalmente por los técnicos.

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3. Rotate the individual rings of 4-pole convergence magnets by changing the spacing between the 2 tabs to converge the vertical red and blue lines at the center of the screen. 4. Rotate the pair of rings of 4-pole convergence magnets by maintaining spacing between the 2 tabs to converge the horizontal red and blue lines at the center of the screen. 5. Rotate the individual rings of 6-pole convergence magnets by changing the spacing between the 2 tabs to converge the vertical red, blue and green lines. 6. Rotate the pair of rings of 6-pole convergence magnets by maintaining spacing between the 2 tabs to converge the horizontal red, blue and green lines. 7. Repeat the steps from 3~6 until the best convergence is obtained.

Figure 4-2. 4-pole and 6-pole Magnets Movement
Blue Red Red/ Blue Green Red/ Blue Green

Blue Red

4-pole magnets movement

6-pole magnets movement

Note :

The 4-pole magnets and the 6-pole magnets interact, making dot movement complex.

4-2-5 Degaussing
Degaussing is required when poor color impurity appears on the screen. This monitor uses an automatic degaussing circuit that is activated when the power is on. The automatic degaussing will be fully functional again after the monitor has been in operation for 20 minutes. The degaussing effect is confined to the picture tube since the coils are mounted at the back of the tube. Should any part of the chassis or cabinet becomes magnetized, it is necessary to degauss the affected area with a manual degaussing coil.

4-2-6 Manual Degaussing
1. Apply line voltage to the degaussing coil and move it in a rotary motion over the front, sides, and top of the monitor. The coil should be kept away from the rear of the monitor to avoid damaging the magnetic neck components. 2. Slowly rotate and move the coil away from the monitor to about 6 feet beyond the point where no effect on the CRT will be noticeable. For proper degaussing, it is essential that the field be gradually reduced by moving the coil slowly away from the monitor. The degaussing coil must never be shut off or disconnected while near the monitor, as this would introduce a strong field instead of canceling the effect of the stray fields.

Alignments and Adjustments

Page 17

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