Set up PC-EVR adjustment program
Note: The adjustment data is stored to the EEPROM IC after each adjustment. 7. After adjustment, to end the software, select �Exit� in File menu or close the window.
1. Turn on the PC and install the PC-EVR Adjustment Program into the PC. 2. Execute the �kdr2006.exe� file by double clicking to start up the PC-EVR adjustment program. The main menu will be displayed. 3. Select the desired model. 4. Turn on the camcorder. Then, click �Start�.
Fig. E3-4 Fig. E3-1
5. The communication is complete, and the dialog will appear. Then, click �Cam� or �Arm� to save the EEPROM data.
8. To release the PC connection (COM) mode, push the [DELETE] button, [RECORDING START/STOP] button and [JOYSTICK CONTROL UP] simultaneously for 3 seconds without connecting the USB Cable.
Fig. E3-2
6. Saving for EEPROM data is complete, menu will appear. To perform each adjustment, display the adjustment menu by selecting the desired menu from �Camera Adjust� or �Video Adjust� and select each adjustment item.