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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del ROLAND V-BASS Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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Chapter 5. Parameter guide

OD/DS (Overdrive/Distortion)
This effect distorts the sound to produce long sustain.

EQ (Equalizer)
Adjusts the tone. The high-mid and low-mid ranges are parametric types.

Switches OVERDRIVE/DISTORTION on/off. * You can turn the VALUE dial to select PRESET.

Switches the EQ on/off. * You can turn the VALUE dial to select PRESET.

Selects the type of distortion. BLUES OD TURBO OD BASS OD DIST GUV DS MUFF FUZZ �60s FUZZ OCT FUZZ Crunch sound typical of a Boss BD-2. High-gain overdrive sound typical of a Boss OD-2. Overdrive sound optimized for bass. Traditional distortion sound. Models the sound of a Marshall GUV�NOR. Models the sound of an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff �. Models the sound of a FUZZ FACE. Models the sound of an Ace Tone FUZZ.

HIGH G (High gain)
Adjusts the tone of the high range.

-20�+20 dB -20�+20 dB

LOW G (Low gain)
Adjusts the tone of the low range.

L-MID G (Low middle gain)
Adjusts the tone of the low-mid range.

-20�+20 dB

METAL ZONE The sound of a Boss MT-2.

H-MID G (High middle gain)
Adjusts the tone of the high-mid range.


L-MID Q (Low middle Q)


Adjusts the depth of distortion.

0�100 -50�+50

Adjusts the width of the range centered at the �L-MID F� frequency that will be adjusted by the EQ. Higher settings of this parameter will make the range narrower.

Adjusts the low range tone.

L-MID F (Low middle frequency)
20 Hz�10.0 kHz
Specify the center frequency of the range that will be adjusted by �L-MID G.�

Adjusts the high range tone.


H-MID Q (High middle Q)


Adjusts the volume.

Adjusts the width of the range centered at the �H-MID F� frequency that will be adjusted by the EQ. Higher settings of this parameter will make the range narrower.

Adjusts the volume of the direct sound.


H-MID F (High middle frequency)

20 Hz�10.0 kHz

Specify the center frequency of the range that will be adjusted by �H-MID G.�


-20�+20 dB

Adjusts the volume of the sound that has passed through the equalizer.


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