Explanation Sets the volume of the rhythm tone. This setting is useful primarily for adjusting the volume balance between rhythm tones.
Tone Level
0�127 The volume levels of the Waves from which the rhythm tone is composed is set with the Wave Level (p. 121). You can select from seven curves that determine how keyboard playing strength will affect the volume. If you do not want the volume of the tone to be affected by the force with which you play the key, set this to �FIXED.� FIX, 1�7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Level V-Curve (TVA Level Velocity Curve)
Level V-Sens (TVA Level Velocity Sensitivity)
Set this when you want the volume of the tone to change depending on the force with which you press the keys. Set this to a positive (+) value to have the changes in tone volume increase the more forcefully the keys are played; to make the tone play more softly as you play harder, set this to a negative (-) value. Sets the pan of the tone. �L64� is far left, �0� is center, and �63R� is far right.
Tone Pan
L64�0�63R Set the Pan for Waves comprising the rhythm tones with the Wave Pan (p. 121). Use this parameter when you want the stereo location to change randomly each time you press a key. Higher settings will produce a greater amount of change. This will affect only waves whose Wave Rnd Pan Sw (p. 121) is ON. This setting causes panning to be alternated between left and right each time a key is pressed. Higher settings will produce a greater amount of change. �L� or �R� settings will reverse the order in which the pan will alternate between left and right. For example if two tones are set to �L� and �R� respectively, the panning of the two tones will alternate each time they are played. This will affect only waves whose Alter Pan Sw (p. 121) is ON or REVS.