DPRAM: OK (or NG) Tuner VSB Video Audio SVP : OK (or NG) : OK (or NG) : OK (or NG) : OK (or NG) : OK (or NG)
CHECK MODE 2 (ST20): Tells that the set is in the check mode 2. Commands from the ST20 TS decoder are checked. DPRAM: Checks the DPRAM�s read/write performance via the ST20. OK: Indicates that the DPRAM can read and write properly. NG: Indicates that the DPRAM fails to read and write. TUNER Checks the tuner�s write performance via the ST20. OK: Indicates that the tuner can write properly. NG: Indicates that the tuner fails to write. VSB: Checks the VSB system�s read/write performance via the ST20. OK: Indicates that the system can read and write properly. NG: Indicates that the system fails to read and write. Video: Checks the video decoder�s read/write performance via the ST20. OK: Indicates that the video decoder can read and write properly. NG: Indicates that the video decoder fails to read and write. Audio: Checks the audio decoder�s read/write performance via the ST20. OK: Indicates that the audio decoder can read and write properly. NG: Indicates that the audio decoder fails to read and write. SVP: Checks the SVP�s read/write performance via theST20. OK: Indicates that the SVP can read and write properly. NG: Indicates that the SVP fails to read and write.