Repair Item 1: At power on, �00� is not displayed. 1
Is the switch �HOLD� set �OFF� ? Yes Is the voltage 3.25 !0.1V at terminal TP1 ? Yes Does clock pulse appear at pin 15 of IC801 ? Yes * Check IC801. * Check the circuit around IC801. * Check LCD801.
* Set the �HOLD� switch �OFF�.
* Check IC502. * Check the circuit around IC502. * Check the Q401, Q402, T401 circuit.
* Check IC601. * Check the X601. * Check the circuit around IC601.
Repair Item 2: Total track number is not displayed. 2
Does the LASER emit ? Yes
* Check >3V appears at pin 3 of IC501. * Check IC501. * Check Q501.
Does the lens move up and down ? Yes * Check IC501 and IC601. * Check the circuit around IC501 and IC601.