2-5: LOADING MOTOR/WORM (Refer to Fig. 2-5-A) 1. Remove the screw 1. 2. Remove the Loading Motor. 3. Remove the Worm. 2-6: TENSION ASS�Y (Refer to Fig. 2-6-B) 1. Turn the Pinch Roller Cam clockwise so that the Tension Holder hook is set to the position of Fig. 2-6-A to move the Tension Arm Ass�y. 2. Remove the Tension Spring. 3. Unlock the 2 supports 1 and remove the Tension Band. 4. Unlock the support 2 and remove the Tension Arm Ass�y. 5. Unlock the support 3 and remove the Tension Connect. 6. Float the hook 4 and turn it clockwise then remove the Tension Holder.
Worm Tension Arm Ass�y Main Chassis
Loading Motor
� Screw Torque: 3 ± 0.5kgf�cm
Fig. 2-5-A
Tension Connect
Fig. 2-6-A
NOTE 1. In case of the Worm installation, check if the value of the Fig. 2-5-B is correct. 2. In case of the Loading Motor installation, slacken the wire as shown Fig. 2-5-C. 3. When installing the wires between Capstan DD Unit and Loading Motor, connect them correctly as shown Fig. 2-5D.
2 4
19.2 ± 0.1mm
1 3
Tension Band
Tension Spring Tension Holder
Tension Arm Ass�y
Fig. 2-6-B
Safety surface for pressing of the insert.
NOTE Fig. 2-5-B 1. In case of the Tension Band installation, note the direction of the installation. (Refer to Fig. 2-6-C) 2. In case of the Tension Band installation, install correctly as Fig. 2-6-D. 3. In case of the Tension Connect installation, install as the circled section of Fig. 2-6-E.