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1. Press the OVEN TEMP pad. � 000° and BAKE indicator words will appear in the display, 2. Press the � or � pad. Then press either pad until the desired oven temperature is displayed, � 350° will appear in the display when either pad is pressed once. � The oven temperature can beset from 170°to550 °. � The ON indicatorword and 75° or the actual oven temperature,whicheveris higher,will appear in the display. � The temperature in the display will increase in 5° increments until the oven reaches the preset temperature. � Allowt 0 to 15 minutesforthe ovento preheat.A single beep willsoundwhen the oven ispreheated. 3. Place the food in the center of the oven allowing a minimumof 1 to 2-inches between the utensil and the ovenwalls. 4. Checkfood for donenessat the minimumcookingtime. Cooklongerifneeded.Cookingtime mayvaryfromoven to oven. 5. At the end of cooking,turn the oven off by pressingthe CANCEL pad. Removefoodfromthe oven.
� Do not move the door lock lever to the right during a cooking operation. If the door is locked, the cooking operation will be cancelled. If the oven is hot enough to engage the internal lock, the oven door will not open. Ifthis occurs, allowthe oven to cool upto one hour,then unlock and open the door. � If you press the OVEN TEMP pad and do not set an oven temperature within 30 seconds, the program will automatically cancel and the time of day will reappear in the display. � To recallthe presettemperatureduringpreheat,press the OVEN TEMP pad. � Tochangethe oventemperatureduringcooking, ress p the � or � pad until the desired temperature is displayed. � The ovenfeaturesan automaticshut-off. Ifthe ovenis left onfor 12 hoursit willautomaticallyturnoff.
Do not cover the oven bottom or an entire rack with foil or place foil directly under cookware. Tocatchspillovers, place a pieceof foil a littlelargerthan the pan, onthe rack belowthepan. Forrangeswithone rack,itwillbe necessary to place the foil directly under the utensil. Cut a small openinginthe foilto allowheattothe bottom of the pan.This is especiallyimportantwhen bakingpies.
Preheating is necessaryfor baking. Topreheat, set the oven to the desired temperature and allow about 10to 15 minutes for the oven to preheat. A single beep will indicate that the oven ispreheated. Itis not necessary to preheat for roasting.
preheat the oven any faster, and may have a negative effect on baking results. I Selecting a temperature higher than desired will NOT
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