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Manual de Servicio

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  • Contiene diagramas del circuito
  • Descargable
  • Formato PDF
  • Manual completo
  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del PHILIPS L01.1 Manual de Servicio

Manual de servicio completo en formato digital (archivo PDF). Los manuales de servicio por lo general contienen diagramas de circuitos, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, consejos para reparación, diagramas de cableado, diagramas de bloque y lista de refacciones. El Manual de Servicio (a veces llamado Manual de Reparación) es usado principalmente por los técnicos.

Si tan solo quiere saber cómo utilizar su televisión, reproductor de vídeo, reproductor de mp3, etc. Quizá lo que necesita es el Manual del Propietario. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

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L01.1E AB


EN 35

8. Alignments
Index of this chapter: 1. General Alignment Conditions 2. Hardware Alignments 3. Software Alignments and Settings Note: The Service Default Alignment Mode (SDAM) was described in chapter 5. Menu navigation is done with the 'CURSOR UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT' keys of the remote control transmitter. 5. CONTRAST to zero. 6. BRIGHTNESS to minimum (OSD just visible in a dark room). 7. Return to the SDAM via the MENU key. 8. Connect the RF output of a pattern generator to the antenna input. Test pattern is a 'black' picture (blank screen on CRT without any OSD info). 9. Set the channel of the oscilloscope to 50 V/div and the time base to 0.2 ms (external triggering on the vertical pulse). 10. Ground the scope at the CRT panel and connect a 10:1 probe to one of the cathodes of the picture tube socket (see diagram B). 11. Measure the cut off pulse during first full line after the frame blanking (see figure 8-2). You will see two pulses, one being the cut off pulse and the other being the white drive pulse. Choose the one with the lowest value; this is the cut off pulse. 12. Select the cathode with the highest Vdc value for the alignment. Adjust the Vcutoff of this gun with the SCREEN potentiometer (see figure 8-1) on the LOT, to the correct value (see table below). 13. Restore BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST to normal (= 31).


General Alignment Conditions
Perform all electrical adjustments under the following conditions: � Mains voltage and frequency: 230 V (± 10 %), 50 Hz (± 5 %). � Connect the set to the Mains voltage via an isolation transformer. � Allow the set to warm up for approximately 20 minutes. � Measure the voltages and waveforms in relation to chassis ground (with the exception of the voltages on the primary side of the power supply). Never use the cooling fins / plates as ground. � Test probe: Ri > 10 MOhm; Ci < 2.5 pF. � Use an isolated trimmer / screwdriver to perform the alignments.
5520 0231

8.2 Hardware Alignments

CL 06532130_014.eps 131000

Figure 8-2 Vg2 waveform
C 0212

Table 8-1 Cut-off voltage Screen Size 21RF Philips, 24WSRF EU 8.2.2 Focus alignment � Tune the set to a circle or crosshatch test pattern (use an external video pattern generator). Choose picture mode NATURAL (or MOVIES) with the 'SMART PICTURE' button on the remote control transmitter. Adjust the FOCUS potentiometer (see Fig. 8-1) until the vertical lines at 2/3 from east and west, at the height of the centreline, are of minimum width without visible haze. Cut-off Voltage +160V +/- 4V


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0240 A



1002 0267 0268



SDM 5445 B LOT


Focus Screen VG2


Software Alignments and Settings
Enter the Service Default Alignment Mode (see chapter 5). The SDAM menu will now appear on the screen. Select one of the following alignments: 1. Options 2. Tuner 3. White tone 4. Geometry 5. Audio


1000 (TUNER)

CL 26532066_010.eps 010802

Figure 8-1 Top view monocarrier Vg2 Adjustment 1. 2. 3. 4. Activate the SDAM. Go to the WHITE TONE sub menu. Set the values of NORMAL RED, GREEN and BLUE to 40. Go, via the MENU key, to the normal user menu and set 8.3.1

Options Options are used to control the presence / absence of certain features and hardware.

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