M icrowave output power can be checked by indirectly m easuring the tem perature rise of a certain am ount of water exposed to the m icrowave as directed below. PROCEDURE 1. M icrowave power output m easurem ent is m ade with the m icrowave oven supplied at rated voltage and operated at its m axim um m icrowave power setting with a load of 1000 ± 5cc of potable water. 2. The water is contained in a cylindrical borosilicate glass vessel having a m axim um m aterial thickness of 3 m m and an outside diam eter of approxim ately 190 m m . 3. The oven and the em pty vessel are at am bient tem perature prior to the start of the test. The initial tem perature of the water is 10 ± 2 ° C (50 ± 3.6 ° F). It is m easured im m ediately before the water is added to the vessel. After addition of the water to the vessel, the load is im m ediately placed on the center of the shelf, which is in the lowest norm al position. 4. M icrowave power is switched on. 5. Heating tim e should be exactly A seconds. (Refer to table as following) Heating tim e is m easured while the m icrowave generator is operating at full power. The filam ent heat-up tim e for m agnetron is not included. 6. The initial and final tem perature of water is selected so that the m axim um difference between the am bient and final water tem perature is 5K. 7. The m icrowave power output P in watts is calculated from the following form ula: P = 4187 X
T is difference between initial and ending tem perature. t is the heating tim e.
The power m easured should be B (Refer to SPECIFICATIONS) W ± 10.0 % .
1. W ater load should be m easured exactly to 1 liter. 2. Input pow er voltage should be exactly specified voltage (R efer to S PE C IFIC ATIO N S ). 3. A m bient tem perature should be 20 ± 2° C (68 ± 3.6 ° F)
Heating time for power output:
A (second) B (W ) 70 600 64 650 60 700 56 750 52 800 49 850 47 900 44 950 42 1000 40 1050 38 1100