To maintain the natural flavor, moisture, and nutrition of fresh foods, we recommend that all dishes, trays, and containers of food be covered.
tioned to suit your special needs. To remove a shelf, lift the rear straight up a fraction of an inch and pull straight out. To lock into another position, tilt the shelf with the front up. Insert Adjustable desired frame openings and let the hooks into cantilever shelves can be posishelf settle into place. Make sure it is securely locked at the rear.
The Temp Control Drawer, between the top and second shelves, provides short term storage of fresh meats without freezing. This drawer will provide extra chilling only if the cantilever shelf that supports the Temp Control Drawer is in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th shelf adjusting positions. Keep the drawer tightly closed at all times. The slidinglever on the back wall, above the drawer enables you to vary the internal temperaturesinsidethedrawer. Withthe leversetat the "Cold"position, hetemperature t insidethe drawerwill becoolerandyou can storemostgoodqualitymeatsseveraldays. All meats or poultryshouldbe storedintheir originalstore wrappingsor in plasticbags to reducethe evaporationof moisturefrom them. To removethe Temp ControlDrawer, pull it out until it stops. Then applya littlemore pressure and pull completelyout.
To use your wine rack fit it along either side of any refrigerator shelf and lay the wine bottle on the rack.