Windows 98/98SE/2000/Me
Before you can use this unit with your PC, you must first install the driver software. Perform the following installation before connecting this unit to the PC. 1. Close all open applications. 2. Insert the provided USB driver CDROM into your PC�s CD-ROM drive. 3. The installation software will start up automatically in a few seconds. If it does not start up, try one of the following. Method 1 � Click the [START] button and select [RUN] from the displayed menu. � Enter (CD-ROM drive name): \SETUP.EXE in the displayed dialog box. (e.g.: D: \SETUP.EXE) � Click the [OK] button. Method 2 � Double-click [My Computer]. � Double-click the CD-ROM icon. � The installation software starts up. If it does not start up and the CDROM window opens, double-click [SETUP.EXE]. 4. When the installation software starts up, the operation in Fig. 1 is performed and then the window in Fig. 2 is displayed. In Fig. 2, click [Next]. To stop installation, click [Cancel]. 5. In Fig. 2, click [Next] to start installation of the driver software (Fig. 3). 6. When the installation is complete, the window in Fig. 4 is shown. To activate the installed driver software, restart the PC. Select [Yes] and click [Finish] to restart the PC automatically. To restart after closing the installation software, select [No] and click [Finish]. In this case, do not connect this unit to the PC until restarting the PC. Fig. 3