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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English, French, Spanish, Dutch
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Descripción del PHILIPS EXP2561/17 Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English, French, Spanish, Dutch

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Portable MP3-CD Player
User manual Manuel d'utilisation Manual del usuario

EXP2561 EXP2581

1. Read these instructions. 2. Keep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 11. Refer all servicing to quali�ed service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as if the power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, or when the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water. 6. Clean only with a dry cloth. 7. Do not block any of the ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. 8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including ampli�ers) that produce heat. 9. Only use attachments/accessories speci�ed by the manufacturer. 10. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table speci�ed by the manufacturer or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over. 12. Battery usage CAUTION � To prevent battery leakage which may result in bodily injury, property damage, or damage to the unit: � Install ALL batteries correctly, + and - as marked on the unit. � Do not mix batteries (OLD and NEW or CARBON and ALKALINE, etc.). � Remove batteries when the unit is not used for a long time. 13 Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing. 14 Do not place any sources of danger on the apparatus. (e.g. liquid �lled objects, lighted candles). 15 This product may contain lead and mercury. Disposal of these material may be regulated due to environment considerations. For disposal or recycling information, please contact your local authorities or the Electronic Industries Alliance : EL 6475-E005: 04/01

1. Lisez ces instructions. 2. Conservez ces instructions. 3. Respectez les avertissements. 4. Suivez toutes les instructions. 5. N�utilisez pas cet appareil à proximité d�une source d�eau. 6. Nettoyez l�appareil uniquement avec un chiffon sec. 7. N�obstruez aucun ori�ce de ventilation. Installez l�appareil selon les instructions du fabricant. 8. N�installez pas l�appareil près d�une source de chaleur comme par exemple des radiateurs, bouches de chaleur, cuisinières, ou autres appareils (même des ampli�cateurs) dégageant de la chaleur. 9. Utilisez uniquement des accessoires ou options recommandés par le fabricant. 10. Utilisez uniquement un meuble sur roulettes, un support, un pied, une étagère ou une table de type recommandé par le fabricant. Si vous utilisez un meuble sur roulettes, veillez à le déplacer avec précaution a�n d�éviter tout accident corporel si l�équipement se renversait. 11. Pour toute réparation, faites appel à un personnel quali�é. Une réparation sera nécessaire si l�appareil a subi des dommages tels que détérioration du cordon d�alimentation ou de la prise, liquide renversé sur l�appareil, ou encore si un objet est tombé dessus, si l�appareil a été exposé à la pluie ou à l�humidité, s�il ne fonctionne pas correctement ou s�il a fait une chute. 12.

1. Lea estas instrucciones. 2. Conserve estas instrucciones. 3. Lea todos los avisos. 4. Siga todas las instrucciones . 5. No utilice este aparato cerca del agua. 6. Para limpiar el aparato utilice sólo un trapo seco. 7. No tape las aperturas de ventilación. Proceda a su instalación de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante. 8. No instale el equipo cerca de fuentes de calor � Como radiadores, calentadores, estufas o cualquier otro aparato (incluyendo los ampli�cadores) generador de calor. 9. Utilice exclusivamente aquellos dispositivos/accesorios recomendados por el fabricante. 10. Coloque el equipo exclusivamente sobre aquellos carros, bases, trípodes, soportes o mesas especi�cados por el comerciante o vendidos con el equipo. Cuando utilice un carro, tenga cuidado al desplazar el conjunto carro/equipo para evitar posibles daños por vuelco. 11. Confíe el mantenimiento y las reparaciones a personal técnico especializado. El equipo deberá repararse siempre que haya resultado dañado de alguna manera, como por ejemplo por daños en el cable o en la clavija, por derrame de líquido sobre el equipo, por objetos que hubieran podido introducirse en su interior, por exposición del equipo a la lluvia o a ambientes húmedos, cuando el equipo no funcione con normalidad o cuando hubiera sufrido algún tipo de caída. 12. Uso de las pilas � ADVERTENCIA: Para prevenir escapes en las pilas, que pueden ocasionar lesiones físicas, daños a su propiedad o dañar la unidad: � Instale TODAS las pilas correctamente, + y - como está marcado en la unidad. � No mezcle las pilas (VIEJAS con NUEVAS o DE CARBONO y ALCALINAS, etc.). � Extraiga las pilas cuando no vaya a usar la unidad durante largo tiempo. 13 El aparato no debe exponerse a goteos ni salpicaduras. 14 No coloque nada que pueda ser peligroso sobre el aparato (por ejemplo, objetos llenos de líquido, velas encendidas). 15 Ese producto puede contener el plomo y mercurio. La eliminación de este material puede estar regulada debido a consideraciones medioambientales. Para obtener información sobre la eliminación o reciclaje de material, póngase en contacto con las autoridades locales [o con la Electronic Industries Alliance : www.]. EL 6475-S005: 04/01

Return your Product Registration Card today to get the very most from your purchase.
Registering your model with PHILIPS makes you eligible for all of the valuable benefits listed below, so don't miss out. Complete and return your Product Registration Card at once to ensure:

Devuelva su tarjeta de registro de producto hoy mismo y obtenga lo mejor de su compra.
Al registrar su modelo con PHILIPS usted cumplirá con los requisitos para obtener todos los valiosos beneficios que se indican a continuación, ¡no se los pierda! Llene y devuelva su tarjeta de registro del producto ahora mismo para garantizar:

*Proof of Purchase

Returning the enclosed card guarantees that your date of purchase will be on file, so no additional paperwork will be required from you to obtain warranty service.

*Product Safety Notification

By registering your product, you'll receive notification - directly from the manufacturer - in the rare case of a product recall or safety defect.

*Additional Benefits of Product Ownership
Registering your product guarantees that you'll receive all of the privileges to which you're entitled, including special money-saving offers.

*Comprobante de Compra
La devolución de la tarjeta incluida garantiza que se archive la fecha de compra, de modo que no necesitará más papeleo para obtener el servicio de garantía.

*Seguridad del producto Notificación
Al registrar su producto, recibirá la notificación (directamente del fabricante) en el raro caso de un retiro de productos o de defectos en la seguridad.

*Beneficios adicionales de la propiedad del producto
Registrar su producto garantiza que recibirá todos los privilegios a los cuales tiene derecho, incluyendo las ofertas especiales para ahorrar dinero.

Need help? Call us!
Philips representatives are ready to help you with any questions about your new product.

4. Follow all instructions.

PR�CAUTION d�emploi des piles
� A�n d�éviter toute fuite des piles qui risquerait de causer des blessures corporelles, des dommages matériels, ou d�endommager l�appareil:


Know these

¡Felicitaciones por su compra y bienvenido a la �familia�!

Conozca estos símbolos de


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� Installez TOUTES les piles correctement, + et - tels qu�indiqués sur l�appareil. � Ne mélangez pas les piles (pas de piles NEUVES avec des USAG�ES ou de piles au CARBONE avec des ALCALINES, etc.). � Enlevez les piles lorsque l�appareil reste inutilisé pendant une longue période. 13 Cet appareil ne doit pas être exposé à des éclaboussures. 14 N�exposez pas cet appareil à sources de problème potentielles (objets remplis de liquide, bougies allumées, etc.). 15 Ce produit peut contenir du plomb et du mercure. L�élimination de ces matières est réglementée pour protéger l�environnement. Pour savoir comment les éliminer ou les recycler, contactez les autorités locales [ou Electronic Industries Alliance : www.]. EL 6475-F005: 04/01

Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the �family!� Dear PHILIPS product owner:
Thank you for your confidence in PHILIPS.You�ve selected one of the best-built, best-backed products available today.We�ll do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come.
This �bolt of lightning� indicates uninsulated material within your unit may cause an electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering. The �exclamation point� calls attention to features for which you should read the enclosed literature closely to prevent operating and maintenance problems. WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or

As a member of the PHILIPS �family,� you�re entitled to protection by one of the most comprehensive warranties and outstanding service networks in the industry.What�s more, your purchase guarantees you�ll receive all the information and special offers for which you qualify, plus easy access to accessories from our convenient home shopping network. Most importantly, you can count on our uncompromising commitment to your total satisfaction. All of this is our way of saying welcome - and thanks for investing in a PHILIPS product.

electric shock, this apparatus should not be exposed to rain or moisture, and objects filled with liquids, such as vases, should not be placed on this apparatus. CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert. ATTENTION: Pour éviter les choc électriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqu�au fond.

Gracias por su confianza en PHILIPS. Usted ha escogido uno de los productos mejor construidos y con mejor respaldo disponible hoy en día. Haremos todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance por mantenerle satisfecho con su compra durante muchos años. Como miembro de la �familia� PHILIPS, usted tiene derecho a estar protegido con una de las garantías más completas y redes de servicio más sobresalientes de la industria. Lo que es más: su compra le garantiza que recibirá toda la información y ofertas especiales a las que tiene derecho, además de un fácil acceso a los accesorios desde nuestra cómoda red de compra desde el hogar. Y lo que es más importante: usted puede confiar en nuestro irrestricto compromiso con su satisfacción total. Todo esto es nuestra manera de decirle bienvenido y gracias por invertir en un producto PHILIPS.

Estimado propietario de un producto PHILIPS:

Este �relámpago� indica material no aislado dentro de la unidad que puede causar una descarga eléctrica. Para la seguridad de todos en su hogar, por favor no retire la

cubierta del producto. El �signo de exclamación� llama la atención hacia funciones sobre las que debería leer con atención en la literatura adjunta para evitar problemas operativos y de mantenimiento. ADVERTENCIA Para reducir el este aparato incendios o de descarga eléctrica, riesgo de no se debe exponer a la lluvia ni a la humedad, y no se le deben colocar encima objetos llenos de líquido como jarrones. PRECAUCI�N: Para evitar descargas eléctricas, haga que la paleta ancha del enchufe coincida con la ranura ancha e introdúzcala hasta el fondo. ATTENTION: Pour éviter les chocs électriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqu�au fond.

P.S. To get the most from your PHILIPS purchase, be sure to complete and return your Product Registration Card at once.

Enter below the Serial No. which is located on the rear of the cabinet. Retain this information for future reference.

For Customer Use

Sólo para uso del cliente
Escriba a continuación el Nº de serie, el cual se ubica en la parte posterior del gabinete. Guarde esta información para futura referencia. Nº de modelo. ______________________ Nº de serie. ______________________

Model No. ____________________ Serial No. ____________________

P.S. Con el fin de obtener lo mejor de su compra PHILIPS, asegúrese de llenar y de devolver inmediatamente su tarjeta de registro del producto.


Marietta, GA 30006-0026 Meet Philips at the Internet or call 1-888-philips (744-5477)

EXP2561 EXP2581

Speci�cations are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners 2005 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved.

PHILIPS LIMITED WARRANTY ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY COVERAGE: misapplication, or non-Philips product, (b) to damage caused by service performed by PHILIPS warranty obligation is limited to the terms set forth below. anyone other than Philips or Philips Authorized Service Location, (c) to a product or a part that has been modi�ed without the written permission of Philips, or (d) if any Philips WHO IS COVERED: serial number has been removed or defaced, or (e) product, accessories or consumables Philips warrants the product to the original purchaser or the person receiving the product sold "AS IS" without warranty of any kind by including refurbished Philips product sold as a gift against defects in materials and workmanship as based on the date of original "AS IS" by some retailers. purchase ("Warranty Period") from an Authorized Dealer.The original sales receipt showing the product name and the purchase date from an authorized retailer is This Limited Warranty does not cover: considered such proof. � Shipping charges to return defective product to Philips. � Labor charges for installation or setup of the product, adjustment of customer controls WHAT IS COVERED: on the product, and installation or repair of antenna systems outside of the product. The Philips warranty covers new products if a defect arises and a valid claim is received by � Product repair and/or part replacement because of improper installation, connections to Philips within the Warranty Period.At its option, Philips will either (1) repair the product improper voltage supply, abuse, neglect, misuse, accident, unauthorized repair or other at no charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or (2) exchange the product cause not within the control of Philips. with a product that is new or which has been manufactured from new, or serviceable � Damage or claims for products not being available for use, or for lost data or lost used parts and is at least functionally equivalent or most comparable to the original software. product in Philips current inventory, or (3) refund the original purchase price of the � Damage occurring to product during shipping. product. � A product that requires modi�cation or adaptation to enable it to operate in any country other than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved Philips warrants replacement products or parts provided under this warranty against and/or authorized, or repair of products damaged by these modi�cations. defects in materials and workmanship from the date of the replacement or repair for ninety (90) days or for the remaining portion of the original product's warranty, whichever � A product used for commercial or institutional purposes (including but not limited to provides longer coverage for you.When a product or part is exchanged, any replacement rental purposes). item becomes yourproperty and the replaced item becomes Philips' property.When a � Product lost in shipment and no signature veri�cation receipt can be provided. refund is given, your product becomes Philips' property. � Failure to operate per Owner's Manual. TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE IN THE U.S.A., PUERTORICO, OR U.S.VIRGIN Note:Any product sold and identi�ed as refurbished or renewed carries a ninety (90) day limited warranty. ISLANDS� Contact Philips Customer Care Center at: Replacement product can only be sent if all warranty requirements are met. 1-888-PHILIPS (1-888-744-5477) Failure to follow all requirements can result in delay. TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE IN CANADA� WHAT IS NOT COVERED - EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: 1-800-661-6162 (French Speaking) This Limited Warranty applies only to the new products manufactured by or for Philips 1-888-PHILIPS (1-888-744-5477) - (English or Spanish Speaking) that can be identi�ed by the trademark, trade name, or logo af�xed to it.This Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-Philips hardware product or any software, even if REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE packaged or sold with the product. Non-Philips manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE CONSUMER. PHILIPS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR may provide a separate warranty for their own products packaged with the bundled ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANY product. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCT. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW,ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF Philips is not liable for any damage to or loss of any programs, data, or other information MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS stored on any media contained within the product, or any non-Philips product or part not PRODUCT IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. covered by this warranty. Recovery or reinstallation of programs, data or other information is not covered under this Limited Warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusions or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above This warranty does not apply (a) to damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you speci�c legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from state/province to state/province. Philips, P Box 671539, Marietta, GA. 30006-0026 .O.

La provision pour garanties de PHILIPS se limite aux termes énumérés ci-dessous. un produit ou pièce ayant été modi�é sans la permission écrite de Philips, ou (d) si tout numéro de série de Philips a été supprimé ou dé�guré, ou (e) à un produit, accessoire ou produit non durable vendu « TEL QUEL » sans garantie de quelque description que ce soit par l�inclusion de produits remis à neuf Philips vendu « TEL QUEL » par certains détaillants.

La obligación de la garantía PHILIPS se limita a los términos establecidos a continuación. productos o piezas que se hayan modi�cado sin la autorización por escrito de Philips; (d) si se ha retirado o des�gurado el número de serie de Philips; y tampoco se aplica la garantía a (e) productos, accesorios o insumos vendidos TAL COMO EST�N sin garantía de ningún tipo, lo que incluye productos Philips vendidos TAL COMO EST�N por algunos distribuidores.

Retournez rapidement votre carte d�enregistrement de garantie pour profiter pleinement de votre achat.

L�enregistrement de votre modèle auprès de PHILIPS confirme votre éligibilité à tous les bénéfices mentionnés ci-dessous. N�oubliez donc pas de remplir votre carte d�enregistrement de garantie et de nous la retourner le plus tôt possible afin d�assurer :


Philips garantit le produit au premier acheteur ou à la personne recevant le produit en cadeau contre tout défaut de matière ou de main d�oeuvre conformément à la date d�achat originale (« Période de garantie ») d�un distributeur agréé. Le reçu de vente original indiquant le nom du produit ainsi que la date d�achat d�un détaillant agréé est considéré comme une preuve d'achat.


Cette garantie limitée ne couvre pas:

� les frais d'expédition pour le renvoi du produit défectueux à Philips. � les frais de main-d'oeuvre pour l'installation ou la con�guration du produit, le réglage des � commandes sur le produit du client ainsi que l'installation ou la réparation du système d'antenne externe au produit. la réparation du produit et/ou le remplacement des pièces à cause d'une mauvaise installation, d'un raccordement à une alimentation électrique incorrecte, d�un emploi abusif, d'une négligence, d�un mauvais usage, d'un accident, d'une réparation non autorisée ou de toute autre cause non contrôlable par Philips. tout dommage ou réclamation pour des produits non disponibles à l�utilisation ou pour des données perdues ou logiciel perdu. tout dommage au produit encouru lors de l�expédition. un produit nécessitant une modi�cation ou adaptation a�n de permettre l'utilisation dans tout pays autre que celui pour lequel il était désigné, fabriqué, approuvé et/ou autorisé ou toute réparation du produit endommagé par ces modi�cations. un produit utilisé à des �ns commerciales ou institutionnelles (y compris mais non de façon limitative les �ns de location). un produit perdu lors de l�expédition sans preuve signée de la réception. tout manquement d�exploiter le produit selon le manuel de l�utilisateur.

Philips le garantiza el producto al comprador original o a la persona que lo recibe como regalo contra defectos en los materiales y en la mano de obra, a partir de la fecha de la compra original ("período de garantía") en el distribuidor autorizado. El recibo de ventas, donde aparecen el nombre del producto y la fecha de la compra en un distribuidor autorizado, se considerará comprobante de esta fecha.

Esta garantía limitada no cubre:

� Los costos de envío al devolver el producto defectuoso a Philips. � Los costos de mano de obra por la instalación o con�guración del producto, el ajuste de � controles del cliente en el producto y la instalación o reparación de sistemas de antena externos al producto. La reparación del producto y/o el reemplazo de piezas debido a la instalación inadecuada, a conexiones hechas a un suministro de voltaje inadecuado, al abuso, descuido, mal uso, accidentes, reparaciones no autorizadas u otras causas que no se encuentren bajo el control de Philips. Daños o reclamos por productos que no están disponibles para su uso, por datos perdidos o por pérdida de software. Daños ocurridos al producto durante el envío. Un producto que requiera modi�cación o adaptación para permitir su funcionamiento en algún país que no sea el país para el que se diseñó, fabricó, aprobó y/o autorizó o la reparación de productos dañados por estas modi�caciones. Un producto que se use para propósitos comerciales o institucionales (lo que incluye, entre otros, los de alquiler). La pérdida del producto en el envío y cuando no se pueda proporcionar una �rma que veri�que el recibo. No operar según el Manual del propietario.

*Preuve d�achat
Retournez la carte d�enregistrement ci-incluse afin de garantir que la date d�achat de votre produit sera classée dans nos dossiers et éviter ainsi le besoin de remplir d�autres formulaires afin d�obtenir votre service de garantie.

*Avis sur la sécurité des produits
promettant la sécurité ou de tout retrait du produit du marché.

La garantie de Philips couvre les nouveaux produits en cas de défaut et suivant la réception par Philips d�une réclamation valide dans les limites de la garantie. Philips s�engage, à son choix, à (1) réparer le produit gratuitement avec des pièces de rechange neuves ou remises à neuf, ou à (2) échanger le produit pour un produit neuf ou ayant été fabriqué à partir de pièces neuves ou usagées en bon état et au moins fonctionnellement équivalent ou comparable au produit d�origine dans l�inventaire actuel de Philips, ou à (3) rembourser le prix d�achat initial du produit. Philips garantit les produits ou pièces de remplacement prévus sous cette garantie contre tout défaut de matière ou de main d�oeuvre à partir de la date de remplacement ou de réparation pour une période de quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours ou pour la portion restante de la garantie du produit d�origine, la plus longue de ces couvertures étant à retenir. Lorsqu�un produit ou une pièce est échangée, tout article de rechange devient votre propriété et l�article remplacé devient la propriété de Philips. Lorsqu�un remboursement est effectué, votre produit devient la propriété de Philips. Remarque : tout produit vendu et identi�é comme étant remis à neuf ou rénové porte une garantie limitée de quatre-vingt-dix (90) jours. Un produit de remplacement ne pourra être envoyé que si toutes les exigences de la garantie ont été respectées.Tout manquement de répondre à toutes les exigences pourra entraîner un délai.

En enregistrant votre produit, vous serez avisé - directement par le fabriquant - de toutes défectuosités com-

*Bénéfices additionnels de l�enregistrement du produit
L�enregistrement de votre produit garantit que vous bénéficierez de tous les privilèges auxquels vous avez droit y compris des offres-rabais spéciales.

English This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.

La garantía Philips cubre productos nuevos si aparece algún defecto y Philips recibe un reclamo válido dentro del período de garantía.A su propia discreción, Philips (1) reparará el producto sin costo, usando piezas de repuesto nuevas o reacondicionadas; (2) cambiará el producto por uno nuevo o que se ha fabricado con piezas nuevas o usadas utilizables, y que sea al menos funcionalmente equivalente o lo más parecido al producto original del inventario actual de Philips; o (3) reembolsará el precio de compra original del producto. Philips garantiza productos o piezas de repuesto proporcionados bajo esta garantía contra defectos en los materiales y en la mano de obra durante noventa (90) días o por el resto de la garantía del producto original, lo que le promocione más cobertura. Cuando se cambia un producto o una pieza, el artículo que usted recibe pasa a ser de su propiedad y el que le entrega a Philips pasa a ser propiedad de éste último. Cuando se proporcione un reembolso, su producto pasa a ser propiedad de Philips. Nota: Cualquier producto que se venda y que esté identi�cado como reacondicionado o renovado tiene una garantía limitada de noventa (90) días. El producto de reemplazo sólo se puede enviar si se cumplen todos los requisitos de la garantía. El incumplimiento de tales requisitos puede ocasionar un retardo.

� � � � � �

� � � � � �

Sachez reconnaître ces symboles de

Nous vous félicitons de votre achat et vous souhaitons la bienvenue dans la « famille »! Cher propriétaire d�un produit PHILIPS :
Merci de votre confiance en PHILIPS.Vous avez choisi un produit de fabrication et de garantie supérieures parmi les meilleurs disponibles sur le marché. Et nous ferons tout en notre pouvoir pour que vous soyez pleinement satisfait de votre achat pour des années à venir. En tant que membre de la « famille » PHILIPS, vous avez droit à une protection inégalée par l�une des garanties les plus complètes de l�industrie ainsi qu�à des réseaux de service sans pareil. De plus, votre achat garantit que vous recevrez toutes les informations et offres spéciales auxquelles vous avez droit, ainsi qu�un accès facile à toute une gamme d�accessoires disponibles via notre réseau de téléachat. Mais ce qui est encore plus important, vous pouvez compter sur notre engagement total quand il s�agit de votre entière satisfaction. C�est notre façon de vous souhaiter la bienvenue et de vous remercier de votre investissement dans un produit PHILIPS.
Ce symbole « d�éclair » s�applique aux matériaux non isolés présents dans votre appareil et pouvant causer un choc électrique. Pour assurer la sécurité des membres de votre famille, veuillez ne pas enlever le couvercle de votre produit. Les « points d�exclamation » ont pour but d�attirer votre attention sur des caractéristiques à propos desquelles vous devez lire soigneusement la documentation accompagnant l�appareil afin d�éviter tout problème d�exploitation ou d�entretien. AVERTISSEMENT : Afin de réduire les risques d�incendie ou de choc électrique, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la pluie ou à l�humidité et les objets remplis de liquide, comme les vases, ne doivent pas être placés sur le dessus de l�appareil. CAUTION : To prevent electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert. ATTENTION : Pour éviter les chocs électriques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser à fond.

Américaines �Communiquez avec le centre de service à la clientèle de Philips au: 1-888-PHILIPS (1-888-744-5477)

Français Cet appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe B prescrites dans le Règlement sur le Brouillage Radioélectrique édicté par le Ministère des Communications du Canada.

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Cette garantie limitée ne s�applique qu�aux nouveaux produits fabriqués par ou pour Philips pouvant être identi�és par la marque de commerce, le nom commercial ou le logo qui y sont apposés. Cette garantie limitée ne s�applique à aucun produit matériel ou logiciel non Philips, même si celui-ci est incorporé au produit ou vendu avec celui-ci. Les fabricants, fournisseurs ou éditeurs non-Philips peuvent fournir une garantie séparée pour leurs propres produits intégrés au produit fourni. Philips ne saurait être tenu responsable de tout dommage ou perte de programmes, données ou autres informations mis en mémoire dans tous médias contenus dans le produit ou de tout produit ou pièce non-Philips non couvert par cette garantie. La récupération ou réinstallation des programmes, données ou autres informations n�est pas couverte par cette garantie limitée. Cette garantie ne s�applique pas (a) aux dommages causés par un accident, un abus, un mauvais usage, une mauvaise application ou à un produit non-Philips, (b) aux dommages causés par un service réalisé par quiconque autre que Philips ou qu�un centre de service agréé de Philips, (c) à

1-800-661-6162 (pour un service en français) 1-888-PHILIPS (1-888-744-5477) (pour un service en anglais ou en espagnol) LA R�PARATION OU LE REMPLACEMENT CONFORM�MENT � CETTE GARANTIE CONSTITUE LE SEUL REM�DE POUR LE CONSOMMATEUR. PHILIPS N�EST AUCUNEMENT RESPONSABLE DE TOUT DOMMAGE ACCESSOIRE OU INDIRECT R�SULTANT DE LA VIOLATION DE TOUTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE SUR CE PRODUIT. SAUF DANS LA MESURE INTERDITE PAR LES LOIS APPLICABLES,TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE QUALIT� LOYALE ET MARCHANDE OU D�UTILIT� PARTICULI�RE DU PRODUIT EST LIMIT�E DANS LE TEMPS � LA DUR�E DE CETTE GARANTIE. Certains états ne reconnaissent pas l'exclusion ou la limitation de la responsabilité pour dommages indirects ou accessoires, ou autorisent des limitations sur la durée d�une garantie implicite, il est donc possible que les limitations ou exclusions mentionnées ci-dessus soient sans effet dans votre cas.

La garantía limitada se aplica sólo a los productos nuevos fabricados por Philips o para Philips que se pueden identi�car por la marca registrada, el nombre comercial o por tener el logotipo correspondiente. Esta garantía limitada no se aplica a ningún producto de hardware ni de software que no sea Philips, incluso si viene empacado con el producto o si se vende junto con éste. Los fabricantes, proveedores o editores que no sean Philips pueden proporcionar una garantía por separado para sus propios productos empacados con el producto Philips. Philips no es responsable por ningún daño o pérdida de programas, datos u otra información almacenados en algún medio contenido en el producto, ni por ningún producto o pieza que no sea Philips que no esté cubierta por esta garantía. La recuperación o la reinstalación de programas, datos u otra información no está cubierta por esta garantía limitada. Esta garantía no se aplica (a) a daños causados por accidente, abuso, mal uso, mala aplicación o a productos que no sean Philips; (b) a daño provocado por servicio realizado por cualquier persona distinta de Philips o de un establecimiento de servicio autorizado de Philips; (c) a

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Philips, P Box 671539, Marietta, GA. 30006-0026 .O.

English 1
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REMOTE CONTROL AY5502 (for EXP258X only)
Remote control AY5502 ( see �gure

REMOTE CONTROL AY5502 (for EXP258X only) Listen to CD : 1 Slide the switch to CD position. 2 Use 9 ,� / §., 2; to control the CD playback 3 On the remote control, press 9 to start playback. 4 Adjust the volume and sound on your remote control. 5 To stop playback, press 9. 6 To switch off the CD player, press 9 again. Listen to FM station : 1 Slide the switch to FM position, press SCAN once or more to �nd your
desired station. Batteries (not included)

Inserting AA (LR6, UM3) batteries 1 Open the battery compartment. 2 Insert 2 x AA batteries as shown into the battery compartment. 3 Close the battery compartment.

Power adapter (not included)

ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION � All redundant packing material has been omitted. We have done our utmost to make the packaging easily separable into two mono materials: cardboard (box) and polyethylene (bags, protective foam sheet). � Your set consists of materials which can be recycled if disassembled by a specialized company. Please observe the local regulations regarding the disposal of packing materials, dead batteries and old equipment. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION � The making of unauthorized copies of copy-protected material, including computer programmes, �les, broadcasts and sound recordings, may be an infringement of copyrights and constitute a criminal offence. This equipment should not be used for such purposes. � Windows Media and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD PRODUCT Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components, which can be recycled and reused. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. Please inform yourself about the local separate collection system for electrical and electronic products. Please act according to your local rules and do not dispose of your old products with your normal household waste. The correct disposal of your old product will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health.

HEADPHONE AY3806 (EXP256X series) and AY3806s (EXP258X series) � Connect the supplied headphones to the p / LINE OUT socket of the player.

The music compression technology MP3/WMA signi�cantly reduce the digital data of an audio CD while maintaining CD quality sound. � Getting MP3/WMA �les: you can either download legal music �les from the internet to your computer hard disc, or create such �les by converting audio CD �les in your computer through appropriate encoder software. (128kbps bit rate or higher is recommended for MP3 �les and 64kbps bit rate or higher is recommended for WMA �les) � Creating a MP3/WMA CD: burn the music �les from your computer hard disc on a CDR or CDRW using your CD burner.

Supplied Accessories: 1 x headphones AY3806 (EXP256X series) and AY3806s (EXP258X series) 1 x remote control AY5502 (for EXP258X only) 2 x remote control cell batteries (for EXP258X only) 1 x remote control connection cable AY4115 (for EXP258X only) CONTROLS ( see �gure 1) 1 ...........................display Album................switch on album search Track .................switch on track search .................selects between the battery powersave mode and Electronic Skip Protection (ESP). ESP prevents playback interruptions caused by shocks. 2;......................starts playback and pauses playback. � /§................skips and searches album/tracks backward/forward. DBB ...................switches the bass enhancement on and off. This button also switches acoustic feedback (the beep) on/off when it is pressed for more than 2 seconds PROG .................programs tracks and reviews the program. MODE ................selects playback options (e.g. ). , 9 ........................stops playback/clears programmed tracks/ switches on the set OPEN 2.............opens the CD lid. p / LINE OUT....3.5mm headphone jack; jack to connect the player to another audio input of an additional appliance. � VOL + .............adjusts the volume.


1 p.............................................3.5 mm headphone jack 2 9 ............................................stop CD playback, Power ON or OFF the CD � / §...................................skip and search backward/ forward tracks 2; ..........................................start or pause CD playback. RESET / SCAN......................FM reset and scan 3 CD (FM TUNER OFF)- .........toggle between CD playback and FM FM TUNER 4 LINE IN..................................connect to CD 5 VOL +/- ................................adjust the volume




Only use AY3162 adapter (4.5V/450mA DC, positive pole to the center pin). Any other product may damage the player.

Helpful Hints:
� p / LINE OUT can also be used to connect this set with your HiFi system. To adjust the sound and volume, use the controls on the connected audio equipment and the CD player.

1 Make sure local voltage corresponds to the power 2 Connect the power adapter to the 4.5V DC jack of the
player and to the outlet.

Helpful Hints:
� Old and new or different types of batteries should not be combined. � Remove batteries if they are empty or if the player is not going to be used for a long time.
Battery indication The approximate power level of your batteries is shown in the display. Battery full Battery two-thirds full Battery one-third full Battery dead or empty.When the batteries are dead or empty, the symbol �ashes, rP bAtt is displayed, and the beep tone sounds repeatedly. Replacing the battery (remote control only) (for EXP258X only) Replace your 3V lithium battery, (type CR 2032) when sound quality deteriorates. � Remove cover as shown . Insert battery with �+� side facing up. Slide the cover back on.
3V CR 2032 3V CR 2032

adapter's voltage.

Hearing Safety
Listen at a moderate volume: � Using headphones at a high volume can impair your hearing. This product can produce sounds in decibel ranges that may cause hearing loss for a normal person, even for exposure less than a minute. The higher decibel ranges are offered for those that may have already experienced some hearing loss. � Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing "comfort level" adapts to higher volumes of sound. So after prolonged listening, what sounds "normal" can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. To guard against this, set your volume to a safe level before your hearing adapts and leave it there. To establish a safe volume level: � Set your volume control at a low setting. � Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, without distortion. Listen for reasonable periods of time: � Prolonged exposure to sound, even at normally "safe" levels, can also cause hearing loss. � Be sure to use your equipment reasonably and take appropriate breaks. Be sure to observe the following guidelines when using your headphones: � Listen at reasonable volumes for reasonable periods of time. � Be careful not to adjust the volume as your hearing adapts. � Do not turn up the volume so high that you can't hear what's around you. � You should use caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations. � Do not use headphones while operating a motorized vehicle, cycling, skateboarding, etc.; it may create a traf�c hazard and is illegal in many areas.

9 0

Helpful Hints:
� Always disconnect the adapter when you are not using it.

The type plate is located on the bottom of the set.
Using the remote control The remote control allows you to command all the functions on the player.

Helpful Hints:
� Make sure that the �le names of the MP3 and WMA �les end with .mp3 and .wma. � Total number of music �les and albums: around 999 (with a typical �le name length of 20 characters) � The length of �le names affects the number of tracks for playback. With shorter �le names, more �les can be burned on a disc.

CD player and CD handling � Do not touch the lens A of the CD player. � Do not expose the unit, batteries or CDs to humidity, rain, sand or excessive heat (caused by heating equipment or direct sunlight). � You can clean the CD player with soft, slightly dampened, lint-free cloth. Do not use any cleaning agent as it may have a corrosive effect. � To clean the CD, wipe it in a straight line from the center toward the edge using soft, lint-free cloth. The cleaning agent may damage the disc! Never write on a CD or attach a sticker to it. � The lens may cloud over when the unit is moved suddenly from cold to warm surroundings. In that case, playing a CD is not possible. Leave the CD player in a warm environment until the moisture has evaporated. � Active mobile phones in the vicinity of the CD player may cause malfunctions. � Avoid dropping the unit as this may cause damage.


For EXP258X only

2 3 4 5

2 Repeat step 1 to �nd another station. 3 If no stations are found, press RESET and repeat steps 1-2.
4 To switch off the FM, slide the switch to CD (FM OFF) position.

1 Firmly connect the remote control to LINE OUT
p on the set.

2 Firmly connect the headphones to the jack p 3
on the remote control. When the slide switch is at CD position, you can only use CD control buttons

6 7 8

4 When the slide switch is at FM position, you can only use FM control buttons.




9 HOLD .................locks all buttons. RESUME ...........stores the last position of a CD track played OFF.....................switches HOLD off. 0 4.5V DC..............jack for external power supply.

Helpful Hints:
� The indication FM TUNER is displayed. You cannot power on the CD. � Check the slider on the remote. Make sure it is slided to the CD position � Or unplug the remote connection cable from the CD player

CAUTION Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than herein may result in unsafe operation.

CAUTION Batteries contain chemical substances, so they should be disposed of properly. Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
It is possible to play tracks in random order, to repeat a single track or the entire CD, and to play the �rst few seconds of each track. 1 Press MODE once or more during playback to activate one of the following. � � � � : The current track plays repeatedly. : All tracks of the disc/program play repeatedly. : All tracks of the disc play repeatedly in random order

� Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing. � Do not place any sources of danger on the apparatus (e.g. liquid �lled objects, lighted candles)

The set complies with the FCC-Rules, Part 15 and with 21 CFR 1040.10. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


This CD player can play all kinds of Audio Discs (including CD-Recordables and CD-Rewritables) and MP3/WMA CDs. Do not try to play a CD-ROM, CDi, VCD, DVD or computer CDs. Important: � CDs encoded with copyright protection technologies by some record companies may be unplayable by this product. � For DRM protected WMA �les, use Windows Media Player 10 (or later) for CD burning/conversion. Visit www. for details about Windows Media Player and WM DRM (Windows Media Digital Rights Management).

To stop playback � Press 9. � Audio CD: The display shows the total number of tracks and total playing time MP3/WMA CD: The total numbers of tracks and albums are displayed respectively. � Press 9 again to switch off the player. � To remove the CD, hold it by its edge and press the hub gently while lifting the CD.

Selecting and searching on all discs Selecting a track � Brie�y press track digit on the screen, track digit � and § will �ash. � Brie�y press � or § once or several times to skip to the beginning of the current, previous or � subsequent track. position, press 2; to start In the pause/stop playback. �Playback starts with the selected track. Searching for a passage during playback 1 Press and hold � or § to �nd a particular passage in a backward or forward direction. �Searching starts while playback continues at low volume. After 2 the search speeds 2 Release thesecondswhen you reach theup. button desired passage. �Playback continues from this position. Selecting on MP3/WMA CDs To �nd a MP3/WMA track, you can �rst press �Album� then press � or § to select your desired album. Selecting an album � Brie�y press album digit on the screen, album digit � and § will �ash � Hold down or press � or § repeatedly until you �nd the desired album number. � In the pause/stop position, press 2; to start playback. �The �rst track of the selected album plays.

You can select up to 64 tracks and store them in the memory in a desired sequence. You can store any track more than once. 1 Select a track with � or § for a MP3/WMA CD. 2 Press PROG to store the track. � P with the number of stored tracks is displayed. 3 Select and store all desired tracks in this way.

RESUME (for audio CD only)- continuing from where you have stopped You can store the last position played. When restarting, playback will continue from where you have stopped (RESUME). Use the HOLD.RESUME.OFF slider on the set for this function. 1 Switch the slider to RESUME during playback to activate RESUME.

With a conventional portable CD player, you might have experienced that music stopped (e.g. when you were jogging). The Electronic Skip Protection prevents playback interruption caused by light vibrations and shocks. Continuous playback is ensured. However, ESP does not prevent playback interruptions during vigorous running. It also does not protect the unit against any damage caused by dropping! The power save mode helps to extend battery service life for longer playback. � Press � once . appears when shock protection is activated

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself as this will invalidate the warranty. If a fault occurs, �rst check the points listed before taking the unit for repair. If you are unable to solve a problem by following these hints, consult your dealer or service center.
The CD player has no power, or playback does not start � Check that your batteries are not empty, that they are inserted correctly, that the contact pins are clean. � Your adapter connection may be loose. Connect it securely. The indication no dISc is displayed/CD cannot be read � Check that the CD is clean and correctly inserted (label-side upward). � If your lens have steamed up, wait a few minutes until the lens clear up. � CD-RW (CD-R) was not recorded properly. Use FINALIZE on your CD-recorder. The indication hoLd is on and/or there is no reaction to controls � If HOLD is activated, then deactivate it. � Electrostatic discharge. Disconnect power or remove batteries for a few seconds. Music �les do not play � Check that the �le names of MP3/WMA �les end with .mp3. or .wma. Some directories missing on MP3/WMA CDs � Checknot exceed 999number of99 albums. does that the total �les and �les and albums on your MP3/WMA CDs � Only albums with MP3/WMA �les are shown. The CD skips tracks � The CD is damaged or dirty. Replace or clean the CD. � Shuf�e or program is active. Switch off whichever is on. Music skips or popping sounds when you play a MP3/WMA track � Play the music �le in your computer. If the problem remains, encode the audio track again and make a new CD. No sound or bad sound quality � Playback on pause. Press 2;. � Loose, wrong or dirty connections. Check and clean connections. � Volume might not be appropriately adjusted. Adjust the volume. � Strong magnetic from active mobile phones. Also keep away �elds. Check the player's position and connections. The indication is displayed and the track cannot be played �The wma �le is protected by WM DRM (Windows Media Digital Rights Management). Use Windows Media Player 10 (or later) for CD burning/conversion.



4 Press 2; to start playback of your programmed
tracks. � PROGRAM is shown and playback starts.

2 Press 9 whenever you want to stop playback. 3 Press 2; whenever you want to resume playback
�Playback continues from where you have stopped. �To deactivate RESUME, switch the slider to OFF.




1 Push the OPEN 2 slider to open the player. 2 Insert an audio CD or a MP3/WMA CD, printed side
up, by pressing the CD onto the hub. 3 Close the player by pressing the lid down.

Helpful Hints:
� If there is no more activity, the set will automatically switch off after 25 seconds.

4 Press 9 to switch the player on and start playback.

Volume adjustment � Adjust the volume by using - VOL + (0-30).

: All tracks of the disc play in random order once. � SCAN: Each track in the disc plays 10 seconds in sequence. 2 To return to normal playback, press MODE repeatedly until the mode cursors disappear.

5 To add additional tracks to your program,
press 9 to stop playing the program and continue with steps 1 and 2. � After 64 tracks are stored, PrO9 FL is shown. Reviewing the program You can review the programme by pressing PROG for more than 3 seconds. � All stored tracks are displayed in sequence. Clearing the program

� To deactivate the shock protection and enter into the power save mode, press again. HOLD- locking all buttons You can lock the buttons of the set. When a key is pressed, no action will be executed. With HOLD activated, you can avoid accidental activation of other functions. . � Switch the HOLD.RESUME OFF slider to HOLD to activate HOLD � hoLd is displayed brie�y. � All buttons are locked and no action will be executed when you press any button on the set. If the set is switched off, hoLd appears when 9 is pressed. � To deactivate HOLD, switch the slider to OFF � All the buttons are unlocked. � � icon will �ash. displays








is displayed as the CD player scans the contents of a disc.

� Playback starts automatically. Audio CD: the display shows current track number and elapsed playing time. MP3/WMA CD: The display shows current album/track number and elapsed playing time.

MAGIC ESP! Average playing times when ESP skip protection activated : Seconds track type

1 If necessary, press 9 to stop playback. 2 Press 9 to clear the program.
� cL PrO9 is displayed.

To pause playback � Press 2;. � Press 2; again to continue playback. � The elapsed playing time and 2; �ashes. Bass adjustment � Press DBB to switch the bass enhancement on or off yDBB appears if the bass enhancement is activated.

Helpful Hints:
� During programming, if no action is executed within 10 seconds, programming will stop automatically. � The program will also be cleared if the power supply is interrupted, or if the player lid is opened, or if the set switches off automatically.

100 200 45

MP3 (128kbps) WMA (64kbps) Audio CD

Helpful Hints:
� During playback of a MP3/WMA CD track in program mode, use of �Album� is void.

Helpful Hints:
� For a MP3/WMA CD,
is by default always activated.

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