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Inicio >> GRUNDIG >> ELEGANCE21FLAT Manual de Servicio
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Manual de Servicio

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  • Contiene diagramas del circuito
  • Descargable
  • Formato PDF
  • Manual completo
  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del GRUNDIG ELEGANCE21FLAT Manual de Servicio

Manual de servicio completo en formato digital (archivo PDF). Los manuales de servicio por lo general contienen diagramas de circuitos, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, consejos para reparación, diagramas de cableado, diagramas de bloque y lista de refacciones. El Manual de Servicio (a veces llamado Manual de Reparación) es usado principalmente por los técnicos.

Si tan solo quiere saber cómo utilizar su televisión, reproductor de vídeo, reproductor de mp3, etc. Quizá lo que necesita es el Manual del Propietario. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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Chassis D5

LA7840 Vertical Deflection Output Circuit Features � Low power dissipation due to built-in pump-up circuit � Vertical output circuit � Thermal protection circuit built in � Excellent crossover characteristics � DC coupling possible General Description The LA7840 is a vertical deflection output IC for TVs and CRT displays with excellent image quality that use a BUS control system signal processing IC. This IC can drive the direct (even including a DC component) deflection yoke with the sawtooth wave output from the BUS control system signal processing IC. Because the maximum deflection current is 1.8 Ap-p, the LA7840 is suited for small and medium screen sets.

TDA6108 Triple Video Output Amplifiers By integrating three video amplifiers in a single IC, the TDA6108 ICs provides a single IC solution for driving color TV CRTs. Each device in the TDA6108 family contains three video output amplifiers in one plastic DIL-bent-SIL 9-pin medium power (DBS9MPF) package (SOT111-1). Using high-voltage DMOS technology, this enables each of these ICs to drive the three cathodes of a color CRT directly, providing a significant reduction in the Bill of Materials for new designs. For maximum performance, the TDA610x amplifiers should be used with black-current control, enabling automatic black current stabilization and removing the need for any external alignments on the CRT board.

TDA8601 RGB/YUV and Fast Blanking Switch Features � YUV/RGB and fast blanking switch � 3-state output � Selectable clamp: � passive (with diodes) or active clamp � Bandwidth greater than 22MHz � Fully ESD protected � Latch-up free. General Description The device is intended for switching between two RGB or YUV video sources. The outputs can be set to a high-impedance state to enable parallel connection of several devices. A HIGH level on SEL (pin 5) selects the video inputs of Channel 2. The IOCNTR control pin (pin 16) defines the 3-state outputs and clamp inputs: � HIGH = 3-state outputs (also for test; active clamp) � LOW = passive clamp at the video inputs (diode) � Sandcastle: the video signal is clamped with an active clamp during the sync pulse.

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