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627701 627248 488622 627720 625947 627651 627022 625914 488957 488886 625846 627106 627163 627024 625834 625913 625835 625851 488361 488622 625829 488372 488362 625910 488360 625844 627180 627695 625827 627199 627003 625830 625832 227991 627375 625843 625840 488896 625856 544304 488542 *847635 *488366 *488500 *488645 *488649 *488878 *627018 *627709 *836240 *836489 *841707 *939009 *939033 **847637 **489069 **538533
Valve Solenoid Lever & Plate Assembly Screw, 4-40 x 1/4 Switch, S.P.D.T. Switch, S.P.S.T. Cover Plate, Mounting Gear Screw Screw, 8-18 x 1/2 Motor Motor (Alternate) Spring Plate, Valve Switch Spacer, Holding Switch Cam Insulator Switch, S.P.D.T. Screw, 4-40 x 1 (Use W/625846 Motor) Screw, 4-40 x 1/4 (Use W/627106 Motor) Clamp Screw, 8-32 x 1 Screw, 4-40 x 3/4 (2) Bracket Screw, 4-24 x 3/4 (2) Thermostat Thermostat (Alternate) Harness Wiring Support Screw, Shoulder Arm, Shut-Off Arm, Lever Spring, Shut-Off Arm Connector, Wire Ejector Heater, Mold Stripper, Ice Screw, 8-16 x 3/8 Mold & Heater Assembly (Includes Illus. 43) Bearing & Inlet Screw, Ground Outside Parts Bag (Parts Can Be Ordered Separately) Tube Clamp (2) Screw, 8-32 x 3/8 (1) Screw, 8 x 1/2 (3) Screw, 8-32 x 1/2 Tube Clamp Nut & Sleeve Assembly Plastic Tube Assembly Tube, Water Fitting, Water Tube Insert, Plastic Tube (2) Clamp Grommet, Wiring Inside Parts Bag (Parts Can Be Ordered Separately) Screw, 10-12 x 1/2 (3) Support Clip (2)